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![]() | Hallo Leute, nach einiger Entwicklungszeit ist nun der Nagahaku-Mod mit neuen Skills uva. bei "Hellgate.aus" erschienen: Nagahaku MOD 3.0 International Finnally, my work finished. ![]() http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54510640/Nagahaku3.0.mod.zip Earlier versions before were very premature and were only released in my community for some fun, 3.0 is my first attempt to make it international ![]() Install this, you need Revival 1.5b launcher, you can find it here: http://www.hellgateaus.net/forum/hel...ch;attach=6120 you will need both Hellgate London 1.2 patch and Multiplayer TCv4 Patch installed to make it functional, the way of installing is just the same as Revival 1.5b1 ![]() Since i still have to upload another install patch back in China (The Gov. Blocked dropbox's link, really sucks ![]() ![]() Nagahaku Features: ------------------ Game World * Except a few quest location, most maps would spawn monsters of your own level. * x2 Enemy amounts in starting maps, x3 in others, x5 in Hell and Acient Blood. * Shield is now much more important in Nagahaku MOD, I have greatly increased the amount of shieldpoints everywhere in game, items, skills, affixes, everywhere. * Neither items nor monsters is having any default shield overload bonus now, only with affixes they can have it. Players * Starting skill removed, instead of a free skillpoint. * 10 statpoints bonus per level * Init statpoints increased from 75 to 100, arranged differently according to your class and gender. * 10 free statpoints bonus at character create. * There are some slight detail differences among classes and genders, for example, summoners move slower than other classes but with highest init powerpoint; male characters are faster when moving forward while females are faster when moving back or aside. * Starting with 1 skill retrainer and 1 stat retrainer. * Level cap at 100. * Emmera's face and hairstyle available by replacing an "ugly" one, but the face is not exact Emmera, I erased the blue spot on her lip with Photoshop. * For more details about players. just install and try them out ![]() Skills * Most TCv4 skills are imported or remade in Nagahaku MOD. * Some "useless" skills are made global, helping you build new "factions" * Some important undeveloped skills are revived in Nagahaku MOD. * Some really "useless" or "unnecessary" skills are removed or mixed into others. * You can now access every class' skilltrees, but can only learn your own, however if you get an item granted you a skill of another class, you can use it. * Some attractive but fawled skills are remade into very effective ones. * I also created a few new skills of my own. * For more details about skills, just install and try them out ![]() Items * All TCv4 weapons and armors are succesfully imported, including their unique versions. * Most weapons have been arranged certain percentage of physical damage, except beam guns and lightning swords. * Weapons and armors' levels are also cap at 100, even for MK1 versions, lower MK version weapons are not as powerful as higher ones in their base data. * All MK1 version weapons and most early time swords without higher MK are universal for all classes to use. * For shield, only small sized shields are universal, not determined by thier MK versions. * TCv4 claw shaped focii are imported but as melee weapons, their skills are realocated into original focii like this: Locus, Lens: Focus Item Scortch(a skill for focii but never used). Axis, Prism: Original Focus Bolt. Radiant: TCv4 Glyph Bolt. Core, Darkclaw: TCv4 Ripshard Bolt. Tentacle: TCv4 Bloodshard Bolt. * Most weapons are rebalaced in many methods, I tried my best to make everything useful. * Most named items now become Mutant quality and enhanced with random affixes on them, mutant items also included some original unique ones: Korean origined items with very different appearances, such as Yongkuang sword, because they are really "Mutanted". * Story boss named items become unique ones, just like Revival 1.5b1. * Shield penetration would not appear on any item with its quality lower than mutant(named), unique and mythic, for default properties, i shifted them into shield overload. * For more details about items, just install and try them out ![]() Monsters * New champion monster system built accroding to Diablo II: Champion(Blue): Original Rare monsters, nothing different. Berserker(Red): Faster movement, melee, firing and casting speed. Zealot(Green): Shield penetrating. Ghostly(Light Blue): Immune to physical, add 50% spectral damage, but very, very slow. Possessed(Purple): Immune to ALL debuff effects, stronger strength and high HP. Lengendary(Orange): High HP and damage bonus, also have random names (just like HGG's Mutant Monsters). Unique(Yellow) and Named(Dark Yellow): Greatly stronger in HP and damage, they are all kinds of higher or lower bosses. * Lyra's Reaper quest boss has been fixed, it was a god damned shock minion in original game!!! * New Monsters: 3 kinds of reapers, 2 kinds of fiend masters, and pitbarons would spawn in Hell and Acient Blood. * A new reaper boss: Grim Spectre is ruling Acient Blood, he is flying in the sky and dropping bombs at you, you have to firstly shot him down, then he will chase you on ground, after you kill him on land, he will loot Moloch's Treasures. After when Moloch finnally imported in later updates, i will change his loot into other things. * Most monsters would have at least one immune affix, might be a certain type of damage or effect, this would be meaning that you cannot use one weapon ruling the game every time. * First kill limit removed on bosses and named monsters, easier for farming. * Named boss monsters for certain maps have 100% chance to spawn. * Quest Bosses never respawn would be arranged to spawn elsewhere, Gulkar in Little Britain, The Brain in Patternoster Row, 314 in Exospecter, Wurm in Big Gun Down and Blood Blade in Mark Lane Station. * For more details about monsters, just install and try them out ![]() Quests * For those bonusing statpoit, you can now get 5 from them instead of one. Issues or Bugs * Some quest related monster's leveling. * Grammar or spelling mistakes in English. * Unknown ones that waiting to be reported by all you guys ![]() * Since HG:L Does not have an independent animation for lefthand melee, i have to do something to make the two high righthand priority weapons working fine, so i forcely arranged focci to lefthand, that would make swords never go left. But this makes you cannot equip focus and shield at the same time, but this is what all I can do, sorry ![]() * There is some terrible looking animations when you anchoring shooting a two hand gun, or waving a sword in tactical stance, i CAN fix this, but not now, maybe next time. Grüße Fehlerteufel |
![]() | Einfach klasse das die Jungs immernoch was für revival machen. Und das alles für lau... Wenn ich da an t3fail denke wird mir ganz ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ ForTheLiving - ZuranOrb |
![]() | Ich zieh mir das auf jeden Fall rein ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ R.I.P? eyezzdonner - Ing - Level 55-R50 -=Das Spice muss fließen!=- |
![]() | Hallo Eyezzdonner, viel Spaß mit den Gegnermassen! ![]() Alleine die Möglichkeiten durch die "neuen" Skills im SP kommt richtig Spaß auf. Da die Retrainer auch sehr günstig sind, kann ausprobiert werden, bis der Arzt kommt... Fehlerteufel Geändert von fehlerteufel (18. April 2012 um 12:25 Uhr). |
![]() | Hallo Leute Ich weiss nicht obs hier rein gehört aber ich frag hier mal. Bei mir stürzt der mod immer ab nach dem starten des Spieles. Kommt nur kurz der Ladebildschirm vom Mod und dann lande ich wieder auf den Desktop. Ich denke das ich alles richtig installiert habe, Hellgate London 1.2 Patch und Multiplayer TCv4 Patch mit Revival 1.5b1 Launcher. Kann mir da einer Helfen oder weiss Rat. Würde es gerne spielen. Mein English ist auch sehr bescheiden sonst würd ich mal bei Hellgateaus nachfragen. Grüße cenobiter |
![]() | Hi ceno, Ganz wichtig bei der Installation ist das Anspielen (Char-Auswahl reicht) der 1.2 SP und der MP2.0 Versionen...also erst 1.2 installieren und anspielen usw. Müsste so funktionieren... ______________________________________________________________________ R.I.P? eyezzdonner - Ing - Level 55-R50 -=Das Spice muss fließen!=- |
![]() | Hm? Ich bin schon bei 3.0b und ja es wird weiter daran gearbeitet. Laut meine letzten Informationen hat Nagahaku die zügel in die Hand genommen. Auch soll endlich der Reanimator wider richtig funktionieren. Wer die Mod installiert hat und spielt wird auch -festellen das es gut in Richtung Abbys und Stone geht. Eventuell ist noch diese Jahr was geplant aber das liegt in Nagahaku Händen ob es erstmal nur für die so genannten Spender erscheint oder doch für alle. Mehr kann ich da auch im Moment nicht sagen. Ich hänge einfach mal die Patch Nots von 3.0b mit hier dran. Second update released! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/54510640/Nagahaku3.0b.mod.zip Install this, you need Revival 1.5b launcher, you can find it here: http://www.hellgateaus.net/forum/hel...ch;attach=6120 you will need both Hellgate London 1.2 patch and Multiplayer TCv4 Patch installed to make it functional, the way of installing is just the same as Revival 1.5b1 ![]() This is the 2nd update for Nagahaku 3.0, mostly bug fixing, with some delightful or "disapointing but nessessary and acceptable" changes. New 3.0b Features: ------------------ Game World * TCv4 sounds imported! Now most new skills or weapons would have their proper sounds, except for some machine gun loop sounds, I gave them some proper old sound effects instead for now. * Due to some really anoying issues, player level cap back to 50. * Crown Office Row's monster density back to normal since too many of them always interrupt your healing work. * Loot becomes better, also, essences loot from champions just like Revival 1.5b1. * Chinese interface can access Credits List from main menu now. * Fixed some mistakes of strings for each language I supported: ENG, CHT, CHS. Skills * Fixed the bug of Engineer's Inhibit Bot's summonning amount leveling problem. * Fawkes Grenade no longer conflict with Tactical Stance just like other Grenades. * Engineer's Proxmine building numbers cap at 3 at any skill level, as it should be. * Drone can no longer use focii. * Engineer's building of Sentry and Cannon no longer have cooldown, the animation move duration is their "cooldown". * Summonner's elemental sommonnings no longer have cooldown. Items * TCv4 uber armors would start spawning at level 40.(New items only) * Retrainers unlimitedly purchasable at vendors. * Shotgun Pistols' damage slightly increased.(New items only) * Claws purchasable at vendors. * Enhanced mods display same color as items: green. * Focii firing physical bolts now have a faster firing rate. * Each faction has a starter set of armors scaling their level with you, I believe some of you would love this early style... Monsters * Zomper Spawn at Necropolis Lv5, he would randomly loot Revival Community Items. * Some named monsters without named loots may randomly drop powerful Korean mutant items, they used to be unique in original games. * Bosses or named monsters would have random affixes to enhance them, make them more threathening. * Drone would get 5 statpoints perlevel, since my former plan failed.(New characters only and still impossible to retrain it) * Monsters with Jolting affixes would have less chance to release Charged Bolt when get hit. * Monsters with Boomerang affixes enhanced, never engage them with missiled weapon using Homing Bullets or spells with homing function! * Monsters with Healing affixes weakened, they could no longer fully heal themselves then laughing at you any more. * Haste Bot can reflect missiles now. * Jessica's description strings corrected. Quests * New Wanted quests available in Holborn, Oxford Circus, Green Park and Templar Base. * Every Wanted and Broker quest would grant you 1 skillpoint, also, you can get 1 skillpoint when killing Sydonai for ending the game. * Statpoint from quests rewards added to 10.(Statpoints might be seemed over-enough for equipping items after this, however I think that we should use them not only for equipping, but also make their stat bonuses more useful...Hoping that I did a right thing...) * Broker quests would grant you standing points for Broker himself, not Templar Base. * More mutant items get from quests as it used to be, no longer using Revival 1.2.1's rewards. Optional Pack * Level 60 Cap: Makes character level cap at 60 to avoid level penalty. * Fixed the bug that Blademaster cannot learn Cleans Prayer and other prayer skills below it with Faction Combined Pack activated. * Crazy Slayer mode no longer change the monster density of Crown Office Row. 3.0a Features ------------------ Game World * Some dye kits now looting from unique or boss monsters, others could get from big chests. * Looting bugs somehow fixed, still not so good but better. (Fixed in 3.0b) * You can now purchase all kinds of potions at vendors unlimitedly just like health and power kits. * Items and Monsters level cap more than 100 to be capable of their qualities(Needing your Testings). (Changed in 3.0b) * Tried to fix reaper's stop spawning after Lv. 73, Still need your testings, since i donot have a character above 73 right now (Avoided in 3.0b) Skills * Shield boosting skills are now bonusing about only 1/3 amount of 3.0's, in order to avoid 40k+ then degenerating bug, this is not good, but really sorry, i cannot fix it ![]() * Surge skills bug are almost fixed, sometimes re-equip weapons may still cause a bug that they cannot activate effects, but very little chance to happen, if it does happens, switch weapons with F1/2/3 would fix this mostly, no longer need to restart game. Items * Claws MK1 versions would be universal as well. * Mods' item level requirement removed.(New items only) * Three new mutant items now looting randomly all over the world as well, not only XM55B: a Sword, a Firefox Cannon and a Focus. * Mutant mods from their named monsters now have more random affixes just like other mutant items. * Since they never functional, XX proc skill on Attack affixes are removed from game, for unique or named items having them, they would be change into Releasing On Hit ones.(New items only) * The "Sympathy" dart pistol would have a faster firing rate. * Unique Hunter ubber helmet's name string recorrected into "Somberg's Guise" according to TCv4. * Mutant items can be revealed with hex & aug method now (Sorry, not yet) Monsters * Grim Spectre now DO looting Moloch helmets. * Imp Shamans can cast their shield boosting skill now, it was bugged in 3.0, so game is becoming even harder now. * Bots now having much heavier armor. * Chocolate Fog now immune to effects (affix: Mana Resist) Quests * Collecting Quests are much easier, target monsters drop quest items 100%. * Quests that rewarding items do not have a level limit now, so their bonus items would be just at your level, but would not bonus any money or experience, and for those only bonusing money and experience, their bonus amount now 10 times higher. Optional Pack * WOW Item Inventory Size: Most items only take 1 inventory grid, new spawn items only. Nagahaku 3.0 Features (Edited on 25th April 2012): ------------------ Game World * Except a few quest locations, most maps would spawn monsters of your own level. * x2 Enemy amounts in early maps(before Covent Garden), x3 in others, x5 in Hell and Acient Blood. * Shield is now much more important in Nagahaku MOD, I have greatly increased the amount of shieldpoints everywhere in game, items, skills, affixes, everywhere. * Neither items nor monsters is having any default shield overload bonus now, only with affixes they can have it. * More chance of Hellrifts and Passageways. Players * Starting skill removed, instead of a free skillpoint. * 10 statpoints bonus per level * Init statpoints increased from 75 to 100, arranged differently according to your class and gender. * 10 free statpoints bonus at character create. * There are some slight detail differences among classes and genders, for example, summoners move slower than other classes but with highest init powerpoint; male characters are faster when moving forward while females are faster when moving back or aside. * Starting with 1 skill retrainer and 1 stat retrainer. * Level cap at 100. * Emmera's face and hairstyle available by replacing an "ugly" one, but the face is not exact Emmera, I erased the blue spot on her lip with Photoshop. * Holy radius available for every faction, meaning those not Templars can activate auras, cast prayers or challenging if you have a related skill bonused by an item. Skills * Most TCv4 skills are imported or remade in Nagahaku MOD. * Some "useless" skills are made global, helping you build new "factions" * Some important undeveloped skills are revived in Nagahaku MOD. * Some really "useless" or "unnecessary" skills are removed or mixed into others. * You can now access every class' skilltrees, but can only learn your own, however if you get an item granted you a skill of another class, you can use it. * Some attractive but fawled skills are remade into very effective ones. * I also created a few new skills of my own. * Proc skills, such like charged bolts, if they are arranged to be released on hitting or killing target, they would explode on the target, not yourself, just like proc novas. * Most important skill changes for each class: Blademaster: 1. Sword throwing skills are greatly enhanced. 2. Surge skills have direct hit bonuses. 3. Hamper can be used in left or right mouse button to replace common melee since its mobility is greatly enhanced. 4. Thorns can grant you chance of evading enemy attacks as well, and the thorns damage amount is greatly increased. 5. 3 offensive prayer skills imported to BM skilltree. Guardian: 1. A new branch of skills added, Guardian can train a squire minion simmilar as drones, but does not need statpoints to equip items, you need to level up the skill to unlock more item slot for him. Also, there would be some other skills to enhance or command him. 2. More prayer skills to enhance you and your team members, like cleaning elemental effects or bonus critical attack abilities, Great Defender skill now would grant great amount of damage as well. Marksman: 1. Much fewer limits of state skills, such as rapid fire, multishot mode or tactical stance is now allowed to be activated together. 2. Homing bullets back, you can shoot missiled weapons blindly and let the missiles find enemies for you. 3. Flashbang, EMP, and Decoy would greatly help you. Engineer: 1. Now Engineers are real engineers, they can build a fully functional defence line to hold fast in battle with sentry turrets, cannons and prox mines. 2. Bots now can be killed, so there would be no time limit for any of them, like nanobots, also, you can have all bots you learned at the same time. 3. Drone does not get free statpoints any more, it would have a new leveling system, automatically getting 1 str, 1 acc, 2 stam, 1 will per level, but it requires a dissmiss and rebuild to get it if it still alive during the leveling up of your character. (Failed and changed in 3.0b) Evoker: 1. Bone branch skills are enhanced, also added something new: afterlife now can activate blood armor to grant you much defensive effects, and you can explode corpses to kill more enemies with new unlocked skill from the grave, 2. New ember is now an evokation skill, its damage based on the focii you wearing, also, it has a totally different way to attack enemy. 3. Pit baron pet using Moloch skills can be bounded with you in a limited time just like summoner's reaper. 4. Draining skills enhanced in damage and also have every type of damage, but they donot have any elemental attack strength. Summoner: 1. Elemental skills' leveling up would have extra bonuses, not only increase their numbers. 2. Toxic evokation and cursing skills and are moved into summoner's skill tree. 3. A completely new branch of summoner melee skills. 4. Reaper can be summoned along with other minions. Items * All TCv4 weapons and armors are succesfully imported, including their unique versions, but trinklets currently not imported. * Most weapons have been arranged certain percentage of physical damage, except beam guns and lightning swords. * Weapons and armors' levels are also cap at 100, even for MK1 versions, lower MK version weapons are not as powerful as higher ones in their base data. * All MK1 version weapons and most early time swords without higher MK are universal for all classes to use. * For shield, only small sized shields are universal, not determined by thier MK versions. * TCv4 claw shaped focii are imported but as melee weapons, simmilar as swords and no longer focii, their skills are realocated into original focii like this: Locus, Lens: Focus Item Scortch(a skill for focii but never used). Axis, Prism: Original Focus Bolt. Radiant: TCv4 Glyph Bolt. Core, Darkclaw: TCv4 Ripshard Bolt. Tentacle: TCv4 Bloodshard Bolt. * Most weapons are rebalaced in many methods, I tried my best to make everything useful. * Most named items now become Mutant quality and enhanced with random affixes on them, mutant items also included some original unique ones: Korean origined items with very different appearances, such as Yongkwang sword, because they are really "Mutanted". * Story boss named items become unique ones, just like Revival 1.5b1. * Shield penetration would not appear on any item with its quality lower than mutant(named), unique and mythic, for default properties, i shifted them into shield overload. * Fawkes grenade can be unlimitedly purchased from merchants, and its skill became original Stun Grenade. * For armors, not all kinds of them's levels are cap at 100, only fully heavy or light shaped ones are, this would meaning if you like the light version of armors better, you can still find them when you leveled up. * Every armor colorset affix are now cap at 100, which means you can get every colorset even in high level. some earlier colorsets are more beautiful than later ones, but in original game, their level are limited and you can not have them when leveled up, so i fixed this. * Weapon enegy consuming got slower, also removed the consuming fuction of Buzzsaw and Lightening Sword. Monsters * They now attacking and casting skills much more often. * New champion monster system built accroding to Diablo II: Champion(Blue): Original Rare monsters, nothing different. Berserker(Red): Faster movement, melee, firing and casting speed. Zealot(Green): Shield penetrating. Ghostly(Light Blue): Immune to physical, add 50% spectral damage, but very, very slow. Possessed(Purple): Immune to ALL debuff effects, stronger elemental attack strength and high HP. Lengendary(Orange): High HP and damage bonus, also have random names (just like HGG's Mutant Monsters). Unique(Yellow) and Named(Dark Yellow): Greatly stronger in HP and damage, they are all kinds of higher or lower bosses. * Lyra's Reaper quest boss has been fixed, it was a god damned shock minion in original game!!! * New Monsters: 3 kinds of reapers, 2 kinds of fiend masters, and pitbarons would spawn in Hell and Acient Blood. * A new reaper boss: Grim Spectre is ruling Acient Blood, he is flying in the sky and dropping bombs at you, you have to firstly shot him down, then he will chase you on ground, after you kill him on land, he will loot Moloch's Treasures. After when Moloch finnally imported in later updates, i will change his loot into other things. * Most monsters would have at least one immune affix, might be a certain type of damage or effect, this would be meaning that you cannot use one weapon ruling the game every time. * First kill limit removed on bosses and named monsters, easier for farming. * Named boss monsters for certain maps have 100% chance to spawn. * Quest Bosses never respawn would be arranged to spawn elsewhere, Gulkar in Little Britain, The Brain in Patternoster Row, 314 in Exospecter, Wurm in Big Gun Down and Blood Blade in Mark Lane Station. * For more details about monsters, just install and try them out ![]() Quests * For those bonusing statpoit, you can now get 5 from them instead of one. * "The Fist" quest at Embankment Redoubt can be finished on your own with blink tokens. Issues or Bugs * Some quest related monster's leveling. * Grammar or spelling mistakes in English. * Unknown ones that waiting to be reported by all you guys ![]() * Since HG:L Does not have an independent animation for lefthand melee, i have to do something to make the two high righthand priority weapons working fine, so i forcely arranged focci to lefthand, that would make swords never go left. But this makes you cannot equip focus and shield at the same time, but this is what all I can do, sorry ![]() * There is some terrible looking animations when you anchoring shooting a two hand gun, or waving a sword in tactical stance, i CAN fix this, but not now, maybe next time. * When shield amount is higher than about 40k, it would degenerate instead of regenerate, but just as regenerating, it has a 4 sec delay, so when surrounded, large amount of shield still works, but this might be need rebalancing in next update.(Fixed in 3.0a) * Looting is not so pleasant, especally for named bosses, this could be fixed in next update. * Surging skills may have some bugs that the effect do not appear, i will try my best to fix it in next update, but now, there is some temporary solutions: restart the game, switch weapons, or enter another area.(Mostly fixed in 3.0a) * Horborn Geoge's first quest has some bugs when rewarding, this is a mistake in treasure table, i can fix it in next update.(Fixed in 3.0a) Optional Packs * Monster Info: Almost same as what it like in 1.5b1, but the way of text location arrangement may not look so good in English version. * Miku Posters: Replace station posters with the comic idol Hatsune Miku. * Return of Shield penetration: Bring shield penetration affix back to Nagahaku MOD, but the init properties i changed on items themselves would not include here. * Crazy Slayer: Much much more enemies to kill. * Multi Aura: Allow you activate every aura you learned. * Faction Combined: Classes of same faction would share their skilltrees. * No Faction Requirements: Remove every weapon's faction requirement, not only MK1 or early ones. Attention 1: Features below are new created characters only. * Non-Templar faction's holy radius. * Drone's new statpoin bonus system. Attention 2: Tip for some old characters. * 10 statpoints per level, for leveled old characters, using a stat retrainer would bring you all the extra statpoints back. * For items you get before installing Nagahaku MOD, affixes for proc skills or ralated to skills may messed or disappeared, if they suddenly became junks, i have to say sorry about that, maybe that is why even flagship made out new proc skill for charged bolts and so on, they did not use it, because it cannot automatically changed on old items, and is very unfair to old players ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Es ist in Planung soweit kann ich das sagen. Da das Reanimator Tool anscheind wider läuft und Naga das Zepter übernommen hat. Bin ich da zuversichtlich. Wie weit sie sind weis ich leider auch nicht aber es wird noch daran gearbeitet. Die Patches von Naga deuten ja in gewissermaßen darauf hin. Und wie ich ja auch schon geschrieben habe kann es sein das SP 2.0 noch diese Jahr erscheint. Aber ich würde mich da weit aus dem Fenster lehnen wen ich sagen würde das er definitiv diese Jahr kommt. ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Ich hab mir mal das Nagahaku MOD 3.0 (aktuell) draufgezogen, aber bei mir bleibt der Ladebildschirm auf Dauerloading... alle notwendigen Versionen laufen auch Revival 1.5 b1 - hat vielleicht jemand nen Tip? Die bereits erstellten Chars dürften doch nicht das Problem sein oder? Danke!! ______________________________________________________________________ R.I.P? eyezzdonner - Ing - Level 55-R50 -=Das Spice muss fließen!=- |
![]() | Na das wär ja was. War Abyss damals auf dem TC eigentlich viel anders als in HG:G? War nie da ![]() @eyezz kann dir leider keinen anderen Tip geben als alles nochmal zu installieren. Ich hab den Nagahaku mod auch ganz am Schluss installiert und konnte ohne Probleme weiterspielen mit dem Char. Ausser ein Paar fehlenden deutschen Textstrings ist mir bisher kein größerer Fehler aufgefallen. Kann ich jetzt im nachhinein die Sprache zu englisch ändern? Da braucht man ja die englischen Dateien und son Tool oder nicht? |
![]() | @eVilocity Im Prinzip sind sie gleich. Nur war die Quest reihe anders und die Inis waren anders aufgebaut. Man musste glaube neun Bosse legen oder so weiß es leider auch nicht mehr so genau. Da lass ich mich mal überraschen. Du kannst es auf englisch umstellen wen du wie du gesagt hast die Dateien und das Tool hast. Hab leider beides nicht mehr rumliegen. Und finde es auch irgendwie nicht. @eyezzdonner. Versuch mal das: HG Installieren SP Installieren neuen char erstellen, mit dem zur Holborn rennen MP Installieren TCv4 Installieren. MP Starten bis Ladebildschirm kommt Revival 1.5.1b Installieren Die mod Installieren Nagg 3.0 Installieren Naga 3.0b Installieren Dann sollte es eigentlich laufen. Vorher seine Chars sichern und das Srorage leer machen, nur zur Sicherheit. Wen alles geklappt hat sollte es eigentlich ohne Probleme laufen. Zu mindestens ging es beii mir so. Von ein Paar abstürzen abgesehen ![]() Das heiß es stürzt einmal ab aber beim neu starten läuft es dann ohne zu murren. Tipp Den Crazy Slayer modus würde ich erst mal bei der Installation weg lassen. Da die Mobs ja doch ohne ende vorhanden sind und der Resporn ziemlich knapp bemessen ist. wen man da mal auf den Rückzug ist kann es vorkommen das man der nächsten Horde in die arme rennt ![]() Hoffe das hilft. Drück dir mal die Daumen das es klappt. ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Wird der language changer überhaupt was bringen bezüglich der fehlenden strings. Ein Beispiel dafür ist übrigens der NPC in Holborn neben dem Portal "Holborn Zugangsschächte", also nicht Abigail sonder der mit "Der Durchbruch" oder auch Skill retrainer. Könntet ihr mal nachschauen ob das bei euch auch so ist oder nur n Bug bei mir. Ausserdem siehts so aus als ob ich alle Items ausrüsten kann, also als MM auch Schwerter, Foki,... obwohl ich diese Option beim Installieren ausgeschaltet hab. |
![]() | Eigentlich ja. Es geht ja nur um die Strings im Englischen sind sie // so und bei uns \\ so oder umgekehrt. Hab da jetzt noch nicht geschaut. Wen ich die Zeit finde werde ich mal die Excel Tabellen überarbeiten. Und eventuell bereit stellen. Aber wie gesagt ich habe im Moment nicht wirklich die Zeit dazu. Das du als MM auch Schwerter und Focis anlegen kannst hängt mit der Überklasse zusammen. Ist die die ganz vorne steht. Geht aber nur bei Waffen nicht bei Rüstungen da müsstest du dann die no Fraction Mod aktivieren. Den NPC den du da meinst ist eine Art Glücksspieler Kyte hatte da mal auch was im Forum hier geschrieben. Bin aber mal zu faul um das zu suchen. Bei Hellgateaus wurde der German Bereich gelöscht dort war mal ein schönes tut dazu. Eventuell gibt es dort noch eins was in Englisch ist muss ich mal schauen. Man kann damit aus einem normalen Gegenstand eine besseren machen mit verbesserten Attributen. Bin mir aber da auch nicht mehr so sicher. Hab ihn noch nie benutzt. Schande über mich. Im Ernstfall einfach mal testen was dabei raus kommt ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Wen du ihn findest sag Bescheid. Nehme dan auch gerne ein Stück ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Ich denke mal ja. Bin mir da aber nicht sicher. Da der Luncher ja die exe startet. Eventuell muss du da nur die Einstellung ändern. Einfach testen. Ich schau mal ob ich die Dateien noch finde. Hab ja auch den TCv4 noch bekommen. ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Kleine Info noch. Hab es gerade getestet nachdem ich gestern mit lv 60 in der Hölle stand. Wen man die Mod von 1.5.1b mit installiert und dann die Mod von Nag drüber bügelt. Skalieren die Gegner mit. Zu mindestens ist es bei mir so. So bekommt der Elite Alptraum Modus noch mehr reiz. Und als Krönung könnte man Crazy Slayer aktivieren. ![]() ______________________________________________________________________ Hg Global CB: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 12 Hg Eternity: On-Shoot (MM) Lv 15 |
![]() | Hallo werte Hellgate London Gemeinschaft ![]() Erst kürzlich stieß ich durch einen Tipp auf Hellgate London und ich muss sagen, es ist genau mein Ding. Schade das es eingestellt wurde, denn ich hätte gerne noch mehr von diesem Spiel. Somit bin ich auf die Revival Patch gestoßen und habe diese nach den hier aufgeführten Vorgaben installiert. UNd somit zu meiner Problem: Nagahaku Mod 3.0 bzw 3.0b. Wenn ich einen von beiden installiert habe, komme ich zwar ins Spiel, klicke ich dann aber im Hauptmenü von Hellgate die Singeplayer Auswahl werde ich mit einer Fehlermeldung aus dem Spiel geschmissen. Bevor der Einwand kommt: Ich habe die Patchreihenfolge SP 1.2 und MP 2.0 installiert und eigehalten. Auch dannach habe ich Revival Patch 1.5b installiert der im Übrigen tadellos funktioniert. Auch bin ich nach jedem Patch-Vorgang in das Spiel gegangen, minimum bis zum Hauptmenü. Installiere ich allerdings Revival Patch 3.0 funktioniert das Spiel nicht mehr. Ich bin schon locker 24 Std. dabei mit den verschiedensten Installations-Varianten die Mod 3.0 zum laufen zu bekommen, aber nichts fruchted. Weiß wer Rat? Liegt es vielleicht daran, dass ich mit Win7 64 arbeite? Ich hoffe den Thread liest noch einer ![]() |
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