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Kal-El79 Kal-El79 ist offline

Crying Freeman

Über mich

  • Über Kal-El79
    GAMERSUNITY.de, Battlefield-3.org
    Battlefield 3 Soldat (PC)
  • Signatur
    I5 3570k @4.00 Ghz | 16Gb Ram | Gainward 770 Gtx|


Diverse Informationen
  • Letzte Aktivität: 19. March 2015 21:50
  • Dabei seit: 19. August 2011

Likes Received

  1. Po1337iKeR
    Po1337iKeR liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Inhouse: Wie es weitergeht: Nachrichten & Co.
  2. Hoschie50
    Hoschie50 liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Inhouse: Wie es weitergeht: Nachrichten & Co.
  3. TheMaK
    TheMaK liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Inhouse: Wie es weitergeht: Nachrichten & Co.
  4. Mopelt
    Mopelt liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Inhouse: Wie es weitergeht: Nachrichten & Co.
  5. TheMaK
    TheMaK liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield: Hardline - Beta - Trailer - Mirror’s Edge & Star Wars: Battlefront
  6. Sir Uruk.Inc
    Sir Uruk.Inc liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Naval Strike - Patch - Waffen - Auszeichnungen & Mehr
  7. jan4hcd
    jan4hcd liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Naval Strike Termin - Platoons - Netcode - Videos & Mehr
    geht nun..:stolz:
    Liked On: 27. February 2014, 11:35
    Posted On: 27. February 2014, 11:14
  8. Sir Uruk.Inc
    Sir Uruk.Inc liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Naval Strike Termin - Platoons - Netcode - Videos & Mehr
    geht nun..:stolz:
    Liked On: 27. February 2014, 11:32
    Posted On: 27. February 2014, 11:14
  9. Sir Uruk.Inc
    Sir Uruk.Inc liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Naval Strike Termin - Platoons - Netcode - Videos & Mehr
    thx 4 the news! Der link zur Platoon Anmeldung funktioniert bei mir nicht! Guten morgen! :)
    Liked On: 27. February 2014, 08:32
    Posted On: 27. February 2014, 08:30
  10. Sir Uruk.Inc
    Sir Uruk.Inc liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Platoons - Balance-Infos - Bug-Tracker - Inhouse - Videos
    thx 4 the news! und guten morgen :prost:
    Liked On: 25. February 2014, 09:04
    Posted On: 25. February 2014, 08:31
  11. Knox
    Knox liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Interviews - DLC-Stopp - Spiele - Cheats - Ränge & Mehr
  12. kallelix
    kallelix liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Patch heute - China Rising Launch - Wetter & Mehr
    :D wtf :D
    Liked On: 3. December 2013, 17:59
    Posted On: 3. December 2013, 17:46
  13. userrr3
    userrr3 liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - PC-Patch heute - China Rising - Zeit als Faktor & Mehr
    Bei mir läuft es stabil. :) die probs der anderen gehen aber gar nicht.:grr:
    Liked On: 14. November 2013, 22:47
    Posted On: 14. November 2013, 22:36
  14. stt
    stt liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Server-Update - Interview zum Launch - Mehr - Videos
  15. R2D2-ShOt-YoU
    R2D2-ShOt-YoU liked post by Kal-El79 an thread : Battlefield 4 - Server-Update - Interview zum Launch - Mehr - Videos
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