16. December 2011, 06:57
danker danker ist offline
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moinsen ^^

ich stell mal meine Frage einfach hier ^^

Habe heute wiedereinmal eine Email aus Japan bekommen:
Nur schaffe ich es nciht mehr das Zeugs lesbar zu machen (wohl zu lange her).

Deswegen meine Frage: Tut sich in Japan wieder was?
Tokyo wurde dort doch auch etwas frueher aufgespielt als Global?

@HGG:Meini ENG 55/50; Meinard GRD 55/50; Hamu2 EVO 55/50; Hami MM 55/50; Hamu BM 55/50; Hame SUM 55/50
@CBT: Brunhild BM 29 @Japan: Danker MM 50/1 ; Brunhilt BM 50/14 ; Horn GRD 50;
@Damals: Normal: X2-Kurt MM 50/22; X3-Luise Evo 50/20; X6-Brunhild BM 50/15; Elite: X7-Selma MM 50/18
16. December 2011, 12:06
slash slash ist offline
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wär interessant zu wissen was drin steht.
zur not schicks mal durch den google translator.

bin für jede info dankbar.
16. December 2011, 12:07
Junge Templerin
BIG_B666 BIG_B666 ist offline
Junge Templerin
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Hi danker .winke:

Ja habe die Mail auch, werde mal schauen wie weit ich komme mit der Mail!

Soooooo habe mich mal durch die Mail gewurschtelt, also wird es eine seehr freie übersetzung!


Herugeto Hell (Koreanisch für Hellgate)
hat dort Jubiläum des halb lässt Hanbit das da voll "krachen", vergünstigte Items im Shop, Events im Shop günstiger, neue Chars bekommen eingeschänk, Bosse dropen teilweise Shop Items (z.B.: das Stonshenge Ticket), Manche Bosse dropen 2 Uniques.

Aber nichts von ihrgend einem neuen DLC...

slash likes this.
-----Locker in die 90ziger!-----
HGG: HitYou MM L55 R2x; MadMaxien Guard L0x; Endgame666 Engi L1x
HGL: HitYou MM Lv 50 R28; MadMaxien GG Lv 50 R16
Diablo3: HitYou DH Lv 60; MadMaxien Monk Lv xx
Star-Trek Online: Vice Admiral HitYou - U.S.S. Babylon D

Geändert von BIG_B666 (16. December 2011 um 12:34 Uhr).
16. December 2011, 14:14
danker danker ist offline
Beiträge: 1.850
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Danke fuer die Info!

Naja evtl bekommen wir zu Weihnachten so ein DropShopEvent.
@HGG:Meini ENG 55/50; Meinard GRD 55/50; Hamu2 EVO 55/50; Hami MM 55/50; Hamu BM 55/50; Hame SUM 55/50
@CBT: Brunhild BM 29 @Japan: Danker MM 50/1 ; Brunhilt BM 50/14 ; Horn GRD 50;
@Damals: Normal: X2-Kurt MM 50/22; X3-Luise Evo 50/20; X6-Brunhild BM 50/15; Elite: X7-Selma MM 50/18
21. December 2012, 14:51 - HellGate Shutdown in Japan !?
Fetid Hulk
Gunny Gunny ist offline
Fetid Hulk
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Starcraft 2 Profil von ZuranOrb
Heute mal wieder Post von hanbit bekommen:
So wie sich das liest wird hellgate in Japan abgeschaltet !? oder hab ich was falsch verstanden .....


End of Life Notice Hell Gate Service


We favor a "Herugeto" from patronage, Thank you.

For "Herugeto" was'll let started the official service on Friday, December 10, 2010, it was decided that we will terminate the provision of the service Womochimashite Wednesday 27 February 2013.

Toshimashite grounds for termination services,
Flagship Studios from upstream,
I have and will continue to develop and transfer of development in Korea Hanbit Soft,
There is a problem with the control of the data table,
Because I was in a state of progress of the work itself can not be updated,
Determined to provide the service to satisfy our customers and difficult,
Was that the service will be terminated.

In addition, we will be following the schedule due to the termination of service.

■ February 27, 2013 (Wed) 13:00 Discontinued premium shop January 23, 2013 until the end of the service schedule for March 13, 2013 (Wed) 09:00 End Game Service 13:00 (Wed) " March 27, 2013 Contact Herugeto reception end closure "official site 13:00 (Wed)

■ You can not request for a refund of the Han bit coins that have been charged already pay regard to the remaining items Han period coin-bit,
Available at our other titles continue Han bit coin.
Also, thank you as you please understand beforehand because I am afraid that I can not pay for the item is returned or refund you have purchased.

■ We favor a reduction Herugeto ever regard Han-bit point corresponding to the amount of purchase
Let me give a bit Han points depending on the amount you've accumulated Division Herugeto available in, which has been directed toward a variety of products you purchase.

Reducing conditions point

Over 10,000 HC, if more than 30,000 HC is the total payments of 500 points from the start of service of less than 30,000 HC is the total payments from the start of service to our users for more than 10,000 HC is the total payments from the start of the service, you will be reduced to 200 points for each 10,000 HC.

<1> Example: In the case of 10,000 HC total payments from the start of the service reduction <2 cases> 500 Points: 30,000 HC case of reducing the total payments from the start of the service <3 cases> 600 Point: From the start of the service total payments of 2,000 points is reduced to the case of 100,000 HC

※ share point and game titles are available at each station as a bit in the Han and the Han-bit point 1HC 1 point.

- With regard to the end point for reduction Han bit Herugeto]

■ this matter, such as when there are any questions about this matter to contact us,
Sorry to trouble you, but please contact us from the Contact Us below.

We are painfully aware tameness for what led to the end the title that could not meet the expectations of everyone, I had been looking forward to everyone in this way.

On top of that, thank Everyone management team, from my heart that you have patronage to many customers, I would like to thank deeply.

Though there are a few remaining in the period until the end of the service,
Management team, I think all of us, and I would like to carry out the service best.

Thank you.

Management team Herugeto

Official site Herugeto
┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼
※ We send it to everyone the users who are registered in the delivery station Han bit this email.

※ privacy policy Han bit station here.

"Han bit Editorial Express" station Han bit Edit:
Han bit Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. Published by:

ForTheLiving - ZuranOrb
21. December 2012, 18:06
Post Maniac!
xzarnado xzarnado ist offline
Post Maniac!
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27 February 2013 ist nach dem Brief Ende im Gelände in Japan, jupp.
Musik-Sammler - Facebook - Last.FM
21. December 2012, 22:02 - :-)
Fruska Fruska ist offline
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wer auf koreanische seite stöbern will bitte hier um news zu lesen und server upades usw
und hier ne bild ganz einfach und schritt fuer schrit

1 sagt alles
2 da klicken
3 da klciken dann kommen da news
4 da klciekn ums übersetzen fertig

XXX muss man nicht addon instalieren fuer besucher :-)
Hellgate Global
Bulma 55/47 ( Engi )Fruska 55/26 ( Evo ) Chi_Chi 55/27 ( Summi )
Guild Wars 2
Kisshadow 80 ( Waldläuferin)
22. December 2012, 11:47
danker danker ist offline
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For "Herugeto" was'll let started the official service on Friday, December 10, 2010, it was decided that we will terminate the provision of the service Womochimashite Wednesday 27 February 2013.

Toshimashite grounds for termination services,
Flagship Studios from upstream,
I have and will continue to develop and transfer of development in Korea Hanbit Soft,
There is a problem with the control of the data table,
Because I was in a state of progress of the work itself can not be updated,
Determined to provide the service to satisfy our customers and difficult,
Was that the service will be terminated.

In addition, we will be following the schedule due to the termination of service.
hm diesen Teil übersetzt wer im ofForum so:
As you can guess they told about the history of the game from flagship to hanbitsoft (i skipped useless things)who continued the developement, they explain that they didn't had a full control of the data from flagship so they could not upgrade the game as Hanbisoft dev would like to do, it also created issues that they could not fix making customers unsatisfied. For this reason, the service will be terminated.
Das lass sich erst so, als ob sie HG-JP abgeschaltet hätten wegen Code Problemen. Aber nach der Google Übersetzung denke ich die Code Probleme beziehen sich nur auf einen Umzug der Account Daten nach Korea.
Bin da aber bei dem Kauderwelsch nicht ganz sicher. Wenn sie wirklich allgemeine Code Probleme mit dem Spiel meinen - dann scheint es mir aber mehr eine Ausrede zu sein. Klar ist es das was wir schon immer vermutet haben ("Hanbit hat keinen Plan") aber dann müsten sie mit der selben Bergründung auch HG:Korea und HGG schliesen. XD
@HGG:Meini ENG 55/50; Meinard GRD 55/50; Hamu2 EVO 55/50; Hami MM 55/50; Hamu BM 55/50; Hame SUM 55/50
@CBT: Brunhild BM 29 @Japan: Danker MM 50/1 ; Brunhilt BM 50/14 ; Horn GRD 50;
@Damals: Normal: X2-Kurt MM 50/22; X3-Luise Evo 50/20; X6-Brunhild BM 50/15; Elite: X7-Selma MM 50/18
22. December 2012, 22:32
Verfaulter Zombie
spambot spambot ist offline
Verfaulter Zombie
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Ich denke mal eher, dass sich es in Japan so nicht mehr loht für Hanbit/T3. In US/EU mag das anders aussehen, je nach dem, wie hoch das Kosten/Nutzenverhältnis ist. Und das scheint eben in Japan nicht mehr stimmen. Solange wir hier immer fleißig Waffen/Rüstung schmieden, bleiben die Server online.
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