Major Klinge Gold Gunner |
Letzte Aktivität: 22. August 2013 13:34
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- Battlefield 3 Soldat (PC)
- MajorKlinge
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- Jolka248
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Likes Received
- Tillee liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Aftermath Interview & Gameplay - Battlelog & Mehrwar grad fertig mit downloaden ^^ und jetzt das. muss die Aktivierung noch ein bisschen warten.. Ich hoffe heute noch:DLiked On: 22. October 2012, 21:10
Posted On: 22. October 2012, 21:10quattro liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Neuer Patch heute - Armored Kill Launch - Premium guckt mal wie leer die map ist... da könnte ich brechen.. zum glück bin ich auf pc umgestiegen.Liked On: 4. September 2012, 18:00
Posted On: 4. September 2012, 18:00Heavygunner liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsA new Battlefield 3 trailer will be going live on the Battlefield YouTube channel on August 14th around 7:30 AM PST / 14:30 UTC. Watch tomorrow's trailer for new footage from Armored Kill and a...Liked On: 14. August 2012, 12:25
Posted On: 14. August 2012, 00:16Shigera liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsA new Battlefield 3 trailer will be going live on the Battlefield YouTube channel on August 14th around 7:30 AM PST / 14:30 UTC. Watch tomorrow's trailer for new footage from Armored Kill and a...Liked On: 14. August 2012, 09:04
Posted On: 14. August 2012, 00:16Hoschie50 liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsA new Battlefield 3 trailer will be going live on the Battlefield YouTube channel on August 14th around 7:30 AM PST / 14:30 UTC. Watch tomorrow's trailer for new footage from Armored Kill and a...Liked On: 14. August 2012, 04:20
Posted On: 14. August 2012, 00:16Sir Uruk.Inc liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsA new Battlefield 3 trailer will be going live on the Battlefield YouTube channel on August 14th around 7:30 AM PST / 14:30 UTC. Watch tomorrow's trailer for new footage from Armored Kill and a...Liked On: 14. August 2012, 01:04
Posted On: 14. August 2012, 00:16Jolka248 liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsA new Battlefield 3 trailer will be going live on the Battlefield YouTube channel on August 14th around 7:30 AM PST / 14:30 UTC. Watch tomorrow's trailer for new footage from Armored Kill and a...Liked On: 14. August 2012, 00:44
Posted On: 14. August 2012, 00:16Gorgreal liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsA new Battlefield 3 trailer will be going live on the Battlefield YouTube channel on August 14th around 7:30 AM PST / 14:30 UTC. Watch tomorrow's trailer for new footage from Armored Kill and a...Liked On: 14. August 2012, 00:40
Posted On: 14. August 2012, 00:16jo2105 liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Digital und Boxen - Videos - GamesCom-Top & -FlopsMorgen wird es sicherlich News Regnen.. :D :D :DLiked On: 13. August 2012, 17:35
Posted On: 13. August 2012, 17:34Hoschie50 liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Neuigkeiten - Tweets - Details & Videosich hoff doch mal stark das es was mit den august content zutun hat...Liked On: 8. August 2012, 21:18
Posted On: 8. August 2012, 21:15Gorgreal liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Armored Kill - Neuigkeiten - Gerüchte zu Battlefield 4 & Mehrhab dir mal eine Anfrage gesendet. :)Liked On: 7. August 2012, 22:53
Posted On: 7. August 2012, 22:39Sir Uruk.Inc liked post by Major Klinge an thread : Battlefield 3 - Premium und Battlefield 4 Beta - GamesCom - Infos & MehrWie immer geile News. :) Ich lese deine News schon sehr lange, und ich muss sagen immer wieder klasse :) Offtopic: Ich hab vor mir ein neuen PC zu kaufen bzw. selbst ein zusammenstellen. Weil...Liked On: 24. July 2012, 23:44
Posted On: 24. July 2012, 23:16