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21. February 2008, 11:31 - Alle guten Dinge sind 3: 1. off. Patchnotes für 1.3
MoC MoC ist offline
Beiträge: 551
Dabei seit: Oct 2007


Nachdem 1.2 Mailsystem off. bestätigt wurde und die 2.0 Ankündigung erfolgt ist, gibt es noch einen Patch dazwischen.

Patch 1.3

* New functional pets.
* Warp to any player in buddy list.
* Emotes.
* Text bubbles over character heads.
* Display party member level and class.
* Inspect other player's equipment.
* Link items into the chat.
* Split stacked items.

This patch will introduce a host of features designed to enhance the Hellgate experience. Not only will you now be able to check out your teammates' armor and weapons, items will be able to be "linked" into the chat window, allowing other players to see their statistics with ease. Emotes will provide new depth to interacting with your fellow Hellgaters as will text bubbles. All in all, Patch 1.3 offers a bevy of new features.

Natürlich wird dadurch der Release von 2.0 noch etwas nach hinten verlegt.
21. February 2008, 11:44
yking yking ist offline
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yking eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Das sind ja einige Dinge, die schon lange von einer Menge Spieler gewünscht wurden. Wäre meiner Meinung nach einen News-Eintrag wert. Eine Angabe der Quelle wäre auf jedenfall noch ganz nett.

Edit: Ich stell den entsprechenden Link einfach mal selbst hier hin:

Scheinbar geht's wirklich bergauf!
"You have been injected with words - from my mouth." - Lucious Aldin

Geändert von yking (21. February 2008 um 11:52 Uhr).
21. February 2008, 12:01
benshee benshee ist offline
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Hört sich ja echt gut an, hab ich ja genau rechtzeitig wieder angefangen
Am geilsten find ich das:
Zitat von MoC Beitrag anzeigen
* Text bubbles over character heads.
Das war in D2 schon immer geil
anwesend @:
21. February 2008, 12:07
Lost Soul Lost Soul ist offline
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Endlich hat Flagship es geschnallt - feste Daten sind wurscht, aber einen Ablaufplan in der Form wollte ich schon lange mal auf der offiziellen Seite sehen.

The Lowdown On Upcoming Updates

Perhaps the most sought-after information that Hellgaters are most interested in on our forums is insight into the future of Hellgate: London. After a great first day at the Games Developer Conference, we'd like to offer a kingly scoop on this very topic. And so, without further ado, we lift the curtain and reveal our plans for the next three Hellgate: London updates. Note that while the bullets outline the contents of each patch, they are actively being worked on and will have more thorough patch notes upon release.

Patch 1.2
In-game mail with the ability to attach items.
Marksman skill adjustments.
Many bug fixes.

Previously known only for its sweeping changes to the Marksman class, Patch 1.2 will add in-game mail, a hotly desired feature. Additionally, a great many bugs are addressed in this build, many of them reported by the community.

Patch 1.3
New functional pets.
Warp to any player in buddy list.
Text bubbles over character heads.
Display party member level and class.
Inspect other player's equipment.
Link items into the chat.
Split stacked items.

This patch will introduce a host of features designed to enhance the Hellgate experience. Not only will you now be able to check out your teammates' armor and weapons, items will be able to be "linked" into the chat window, allowing other players to see their statistics with ease. Emotes will provide new depth to interacting with your fellow Hellgaters as will text bubbles. All in all, Patch 1.3 offers a bevy of new features.

"The Abyss Chronicles" (Patch 2)
Group PvP, PvP games, and PvP ranking.
The Abyss "endless" dungeon.
Big Ben/Parliament Square adventure area.
Three new base monster types.
Five new bosses.
New skills for all classes.
New high end armor for all factions.
New weapons for all factions.
Consignment house.
Shared stash.
Instance switching.

Our biggest major content update yet (well, until the next Chronicle). Sizable additions to the PvP department, seriously unique skills for all classes, new armor and weapons for all factions, new monster types, new bosses... Oh, and then there's the consignment house and shared stash. Big? This content update is HUGE. Now for some glimpses at the sights to be seen when you enter... The Abyss Chronicles!
Verwirren Sie mich nicht mit Tatsachen! Meine Meinung steht fest!
21. February 2008, 13:55
Bob_ROss Bob_ROss ist offline
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Danke für die Infos. Wie, gesagt, ihr könnt auch News erstellen, wenn ihr wollt.
News ist da.

Achja. Beim Versuch die zuammenzuführen hat sich der Name hier leider geändert. Ich Arbeite dran....
... Sein,... oder Sein...
21. February 2008, 14:54
Haekeldrache Haekeldrache ist offline
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Ich bin begeistert. Danke, FSS
Mal: "Looks can be deceiving." Jayne: "Not as deceiving as a lowdown, dirty... deceiver." Mal: "Well said. Wasn't that well said, Zoe?" Zoe: "Had a kind of poetry to it, sir."

Mal: "Now all we need is a coupla patients." Simon: "Corpses, actually. For this plan to work, River and I will have to be dead." Jayne: (smiling) "I'm starting to like this plan."

- Firefly
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