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11. March 2015, 18:21
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Sind seitens der Devs irgendwelche DLCs geplant?
offizielle Aussage eines Devs:

All depends on how well the game goes, but we do plan on having pretty extensive post-release support.

It's not about not delivering a complete game, to be honest. We need to launch at some point in order to actually be able to continue developing a game, so when we release Cities: Skylines it will be considered a content complete experience.

What we then can do with DLC is continue developing stuff for the game post launch to make the experience even deeper. Think expansions but maybe not as far apart and split into smaller, cheaper, fragments.

Oh, also all DLC's will come with patches adding free content alongside.

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Sell ​​the game into small pieces is not what I call support. But everyone can have their opinion. Thank you for the answer.
That's the opposite of what we'll be doing. What we do is deliver a solid, fun and well working base game and then continue to add functionality and content post-release via free updates and the occasional paid DLC.

Yes, theoretically we could wait with releasing the game until everything we ever wanted is in there - but then you could add even more later, since there's pretty much no limit to how many details can be added to a huge game like this. Eventually we have to release the game and everything we create after that must be considered post-release additions.
Zitat von EA Community Manager Shooter Deutschland Andreas Koch
Wenn ihr nicht erkennt warum Hardline das bessere BF ist, kann ich euch nicht helfen.

Geändert von GummiKaktus (11. March 2015 um 18:27 Uhr).