13. September 2014, 20:13
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Asteroid Hangar


Arena Commander manual Guide v0.9


Geändert von Pein (15. September 2014 um 14:34 Uhr).
17. September 2014, 19:17
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Sind die Private Server eigentlich wieder an? Will endlich mal ne Runde zocken mit euch


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17. September 2014, 21:28
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Der neue Letter from the Chairman ist raus!

Fokus liegt wohl auf Private Sessions fixen.

Ausserdem hier die neueste Folge 10ftC.

18. September 2014, 11:33
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Sind die Private Server eigentlich wieder an? Will endlich mal ne Runde zocken mit euch
Hmm, ich glaube man kann auch auf Public Match zusammen spielen. man braucht dazu die friend ID
18. September 2014, 12:52
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Voted mal: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/c...he-Lego-Hornet

Dann sagt bescheid wenn ihr mal Zeit habt und zocken wollt
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18. September 2014, 17:27
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Voted mal: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/c...he-Lego-Hornet

Dann sagt bescheid wenn ihr mal Zeit habt und zocken wollt
18. September 2014, 17:29
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Gerne. 20:00 Uhr?


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18. September 2014, 17:59
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Gerne. 20:00 Uhr?
Klingt gut...
18. September 2014, 19:12
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Ich schaue auch mal vorbei, falls ich wieder daheim bin ^^
18. September 2014, 19:35
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Uuund ich muss wieder absagen...sorry.
18. September 2014, 19:54
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Lasst uns das mal auf Sonntagabend verschieben. Bei mir hat sich für heute noch Besuch angekündigt (immerhin bringt er Bier zur Entschädigung mit ).

Freitag und Samstag ist für Arma 2 reserviert.


Neuer Patch ist da!

Greetings Citizens,

We’ve issued a small Arena Commander patch today to improve control sensitivity for gamepad players. If you rock a ‘pad, get out there and let us know if the experience has been improved! We have also issued a server hotfix which should improve the “no match found” error that some backers have been experiencing. The patch is now available via the Star Citizen launcher.

A more significant patch, 13.1, is currently in the works. (And to pilots who are unable to access their M50s in the menu: we are aware of the issue and are working a fix.)


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Geändert von Ru$h .IX (19. September 2014 um 09:46 Uhr).
22. September 2014, 21:02
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Jeder der noch 'n Racing-Schiff haben will sollte jetzt zugreifen,in 3h und 59 m ist der Spaß vorbei...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PS: Auch Interessant: Future Concept Sale!

Greetings Citizens,

Late last year, we asked the community to vote on the next ‘wave’ of ships we design for Star Citizen. A new ship was selected as each stretch goal, for a total of six winners. The ships in questions ranged from a mobile salvage yard to a luxury yacht to a speedy data runner. You can find the original concept bios for all six ships below.

The great news is that these ships are getting to a stage in their development where we’re ready to share their concepts! Ship design is incredibly important in Star Citizen, and Chris Roberts does not approve ship art for release until it is up to his personal standards. So we’re getting close to the final forms of the base ships… and are ready to start offering them in concept sales!

In the past, concept sales have been short ‘blink and you miss it’ events to reveal new ships. Going forward, we’ve decided to change the process to offer some extras for backing a Star Citizen ship at this earlier stage in its development; some more exclusive rewards to make up for the fact that you can’t go right out and play with a concept ship the day it’s for sale.

When a ship’s concept gets ‘final approval’ from Chris, we plan to offer it as a one-week concept-only sale. After that week ends, the ship will not be available for sale until it is ready for use in the Hangar. In addition, we are going to offer several extras available only during the concept period:

The Lowest Price – backing earlier helps the production process the most, so it stands to reason that early backers should get the lowest price for their ships. Future Hangar-ready and flight-ready sales will increase the cost of a ship hull slightly.
Hangar Flare – everyone who backs a concept sale will receive two pieces of Hangar Flare. At launch, you’ll get a poster featuring the ship you’ve purchased to display in your Hangar and when the CryEngine model asset is finished you’ll get the in-game Takuetsu model to add to your collection!
Lifetime Insurance – one of the most common demands of CS is that we offer newly announced ships with cross-chassis upgrades to preserve LTI. While we maintain that Lifetime Insurance is a slight convenience and not a game changer, we know it’s something a lot of backers want. We feel comfortable including it during concept sales of ships which have never been available before (and do not intend to make it available again for existing ships or variants.) We will however, be adding LTI retroactively to the Gladius and Xi’An Scout if they were purchased during their respective concept sales.
We’re aware that this is a change to how sales have worked in the past, so we wanted to announce the plan early to let the community know our intentions. Sales like this are what keeps Star Citizen funded; the revenue we take from selling ships at different stages in the pipeline gets turned right back into the game, expanding our scope to match Chris’ ultimate vision for the Best Damn Space Sim Ever!

The first concept sale for this wave of ships will be Friday, September 26th. We can’t reveal which ship it is yet… so sound off in the poll below and let us know which one you want to see! (The poll will not impact next week’s presentation, but it will let us know which ships you’re most eager to see!)

22. September 2014, 21:10
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Oh, die Anvil Carack liegt weiterhin vorne. Hab ich also richtig abgestimmt


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23. September 2014, 07:31
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Ehrlich gesagt gefällt mir von der Liste die RSI Orion am besten.
Mining Schiffe gibt's halt noch überhaupt keine.
All dies ist schon mal geschehen. Und all dies geschieht irgendwann wieder.
23. September 2014, 08:03
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Hull C, Hull C, Hull C!

Generell n grosser Transporter wäre ganz schön.
23. September 2014, 22:35
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Yeah, Lifetime Insurance ist da!

(Gilt auch für die Xi´An Scout)

Spoiler ...: Aufklappen

Neuer Galactic Guide: Consolidated Outland: Mustang


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23. September 2014, 23:47
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Yeah, Lifetime Insurance ist da!

(Gilt auch für die Xi´An Scout)

Spoiler ...: Aufklappen

Neuer Galactic Guide: Consolidated Outland: Mustang
Nur für Concept Sales,oder? :/

Aber egal,die Versicherungskosten sollen ja minimal sein.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10ftC - Ep. 38

24. September 2014, 20:48
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Hier ist eine, äh...ja, ähm, Geschichte, oder so

Spoiler "...: Aufklappen


Hey bleeders, this is gonna be a quick one cause your friendly Jester’s only got a few to spare before I need to oscillate. ‘Till then here’s the all about from B0otyCall, the Specs best show about the uni’s very worst. We should all be ashamed of ourselves.

Why the rush, you ask? Cause the Dusters apparently can’t take a joke. Seriously, Dusty, if you’re listening, and I know you’re listening, they call me Jester for a frickin’ reason! Whatever you and the rest of the Dusters thought I said, I promise you I didn’t. Hell, even if I did, I didn’t mean it. I just talk sometimes, everyone knows that. Why would I care who or what you verge with? As long as everyone can walk away in the morning, have some fun is what I say. The point being, it’s not my fault and if you ghost me, Dusty, a lot of important people are gonna be angry. In fact, know what? Any of you fans feel like helpin’ me apologize, show up near Horizon in the next few minutes. That’s right, B0otyCallers, time to kick some booty. Hear that, Dusters? I GOT FRIENDS! Angry friends with guns and lasers. And knives.

As you can tell, I got some personal stuff on the burner, but you’re crazy if you think when something blows I ain’t gonna take the time to let you know. Strap yourselves in, boyos. This is what the dry suits call a news flash.

One word.


Hole. E. Shit.

Hasn’t been one in over a decade since Red July, but this is the real deal. An Armistice has been called in Nul. And not some bull two clan shake. We’re talkin’ system wide peace with Nescus flexin’ enough muscle to make sure everyone plays nice.

Why the temporary halt to all festivities? Turns out there’s only so many Vanduul raids you can take. Anyone who’s had business on Char or Ashana this past year knows that Nul has gotten a hella lot more dangerous with the ‘duul murder parade marchin’ on through pretty much non-stop. Your scan’s as good as mine why the bastards are so eager to sink their blades into a system that’s most habitable planet is best described as a shit filled litter box, but, then again, who the hell knows why they do anything. I’m just saying it’s a sad state of affairs when the biggest thing you’re worried about when visiting Olympus isn’t blackin’ out and finding yourself a slave, but rather, having a Scythe jamming itself right up your rig. The one time you actually want a Navy frigate to come stormin’ in and those Messers ain’t nowhere, right?

‘Course, there’s only so many credits you can lose before something’s gotta be done. Slavers are hurtin’. Scavers are hurtin’. Even the poppers are feelin’ it. And with Olympus being the heart of all the action in the system, it makes sense that Nescus would lead the charge to fix the problem. The codgy ol’ Tevarin put all debt on hold for anyone willing to join the cause. From the way I hear it, once Coriolus Initiative pledged to the Armistice, everybody else fell in line pretty damn quick. The KGs, DiamondShots, and littleBacks have all given word. Wouldn’t be surprised if the HCore and the Lusk Blunts followed suit next. Can you picture it? All those roughs running drills and scramblin’ patrols. Nescus’ pretty much got himself his own personal pirate army. All that’s left is to see if his fancy Tevarin tactics will amount to anything when the Vanduul come back swinging. That, and can the Armistice actually hold long enough to do something before everyone starts backstabbing each other to death. In my experience, pirates ain’t made for peace.

What this means for the rest of us scurrows is if you ain’t got legit business, stay far away. On the other hand, if you got a debt with Nescus, now’s your chance to make good. Anything else… well, the Armistice has a ‘one for all’ policy in place. You make trouble for one person, and you’ll get the whole —

Crap! My proxies! Looks like they’re pickin’ up some Dust.

Gotta ‘ject.

B0otyCall out!


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24. September 2014, 23:13
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Ich mag die In-Lore Nachrichten zum Spiel. :3

25. September 2014, 06:39
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Okay also ich bin ja nun in Australien und schreibe grade glücklich von meinem iPhone 6 plus

Ursprünglich wollten wir erstmal die Ostküste Hoch da wir aber nun doch nahe Melbourne einen farmjob gefunden haben und dort einen Monat zu arbeiten Gedenken werde ich doch die PAX EAST besuchen können )! Also keine Ahnung wenns Fragen gibt auf die ich vielleicht eine Antwort holen kann dann posten
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