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4. March 2013, 09:57
 #70 (permalink)
Dr4ven ist offline  
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Battlefield 3 Profil von -Ambisontier-
Hmmm, 3 verschiedene PR? Gut, BF hab ich sowieso abgehakt was das angeht und an sich gefällt mir die Cry Engine vom Handling her besser als ArmA obwohl ich glaube dass sie bei Bohemia besser aufgehoben sind vom Support her.

Was brauch ich um PR2 zocken zu können, nur das Cryengine SDK?

Am besten is ja das da auf der PR Seite:

"Battlefield is all about fun, action-oriented gameplay. We'll leave the truly realistic experiences to the mod teams who thrive on that type of action." (DICE)

Klingt heutzutage schon fast wie Häme.
Everything said here is just my opinion, there are those who are going to agree and those who are going to disagree.Please don't be offended, but I am of the mind set of "birds of a feather".Meaning, if you disagree, I don't really care and life is to short to waste my time debating with people who disagree with me. I'll enjoy my existence with those who are like minded,and everyone else,can freely live their lives with their opinions.

Geändert von Dr4ven (4. March 2013 um 10:11 Uhr).