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2. October 2012, 17:50
 #45 (permalink)
Dr4ven ist offline  
Beiträge: 3.492
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Battlefield 3 Profil von -Ambisontier-
Zitat von joja11 Beitrag anzeigen
BTW: Kann mir jemand sagen wo man günstig BF2 kriegt? Ich hab bisher keinen Key und kann nur den Botmodus spielen, aber die Helistunts haben es mir angetan^^ Ich übe grade an einem Looping mit eingefügter Barrel Roll
Ich glaub sogar auf Origin oder Steam "BF2 Complete" um 9,90, schau mal nach.
Everything said here is just my opinion, there are those who are going to agree and those who are going to disagree.Please don't be offended, but I am of the mind set of "birds of a feather".Meaning, if you disagree, I don't really care and life is to short to waste my time debating with people who disagree with me. I'll enjoy my existence with those who are like minded,and everyone else,can freely live their lives with their opinions.