// Automatic Fire
alias +afire "alias repeat_function +repeat; +repeat"
alias -afire "alias repeat_function stoprepeating"
alias repeat_function "+repeat"
alias +repeat "+attack; wait 3; -repeat"
alias -repeat "-attack; wait 3; repeat_function"
alias stoprepeating ""
// Duck Jump
alias +duckjump "+jump;wait 3;+duck"
alias -duckjump "-jump;wait 3;-duck"
// Auto-Fire/Auto-Reload On/Off
alias shotty "slot1;bind mouse1 +afire;-afire;+reload;orange_crosshair;alias currcrosshair orange_crosshair"
alias pistols "slot2;bind mouse1 +afire;-afire;-reload;blue_crosshair;alias currcrosshair blue_crosshair"
alias notshotty "slot1;bind mouse1 +attack;-afire;-reload;green_crosshair;alias currcrosshair green_crosshair"
alias throw "slot3;bind mouse1 +attack;-afire;-reload"
alias medpack "slot4;bind mouse1 +attack;-afire;-reload"
alias pills "slot5;bind mouse1 +attack;-afire;-reload"
// "q" Next Weapon Toggle (with Auto-Fire/Reload)
alias nextweapshotty "shotty;alias nextweap nextweap1"
alias nextweapnotshotty "notshotty;alias nextweap nextweap1"
alias nextweap1 "pistols;alias nextweap nextweap2"
alias nextweap2 "nextweapshotty"
alias nextweap "nextweap1"
// Toggle for Auto-Fire/Reload
alias shottyon "shotty;bind MWHEELUP shotty;bind 1 shotty;alias nextweap2 nextweapshotty; alias shottytoggle shottyoff"
alias shottyoff "notshotty;bind MWHEELUP notshotty;bind 1 notshotty`;alias nextweap2 nextweapnotshotty;alias shottytoggle shottyon"
alias shottytoggle "shottyoff"
// Crosshair Settings:
// dyanmic/size (0-1), thickness(1-5), and opacity (0 is invisible, 255 solid)
cl_crosshair_dynamic 0
cl_crosshair_thickness 0
cl_crosshair_alpha 255
// Orange for shotty
alias orange_crosshair "cl_crosshair_red 244;cl_crosshair_green 130;cl_crosshair_blue 74"
// Blue for pistols
alias blue_crosshair "cl_crosshair_red 72;cl_crosshair_green 190;cl_crosshair_blue 230"
// Green for uzi/sniper/machine guns (non-shotty)
alias green_crosshair "cl_crosshair_red 23;cl_crosshair_green 232;cl_crosshair_blue 29"
alias currcrosshair "orange_crosshair"
alias crosshairflash "orange_crosshair; wait 30; blue_crosshair; wait 30; green_crosshair;wait 30;currcrosshair"
// Net Graph
// Show your fps/ping on screen.
// Good Net Graph settings (positions it nicely for most people):
net_graphheight "125"
net_graphmsecs "50"
net_graphpos "1"
net_graphproportionalfont "1"
net_graphshowinterp "0"
net_graphshowlatency "1"
net_graphsolid "1"
net_graphtext "1"
net_maxroutable "576"
net_scale "5"
alias togglenetgon "net_graph 1; crosshairflash; alias togglenetg togglenetgoff"
alias togglenetgoff "net_graph 0; crosshairflash; alias togglenetg togglenetgon"
alias togglenetg "togglenetgon"
// Close Captions
// Text notifications for noises. Helps with detecting tanks/hunters/etc.
alias toggleccon "closecaption 1; crosshairflash;alias togglecc toggleccoff"
alias toggleccoff "closecaption 0; crosshairflash;alias togglecc toggleccon"
alias togglecc "toggleccon"
// Binds
// -----------
// All binds as described. Hit j to toggle between shotgun/non-shotguns for your main weapon
bind "MWHEELUP" "shotty"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "pistols"
bind 1 "shotty"
bind 2 "pistols"
bind 3 "throw"
bind 4 "medpack"
bind 5 "pills"
bind j "shottytoggle"
bind k "togglenetg"
bind l "togglecc"
bind q "nextweap"
bind "SPACE" "+duckjump"
...hier mal ein Script von einem Bekannten (thx) ... so gehts auch... obwohl ichs fast unfair find