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4. November 2015, 17:30 - [Mod] NagaOptionals - Mehr Optionen für Nagahaku - v2.2 (5 November 2015)
Orcinus Orca Orcinus Orca ist offline
Beiträge: 513
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Dabei seit: Nov 2007

Achtung: Dieser Thread ist großtenteils noch auf Englisch, da er ursprünglich nur für das englischsprachige Forum gedacht war. Ich werde die Übersetzung nach und nach fertigstellen. Das wird ein wenig dauern, da ich euch eine ordentliche Übersetzung bieten möchte. Cheers.

Diese Mod ist für die Verwendung in Kombination mit Nagahaku 3.0b gedacht. Sie bietet zahlreiche Optionen, die das Angebot von Nagahaku erweitern sollen, damit ihr euer Spielerlebnis individualisieren könnt. Wenn ihr sie in Kombination mit einer anderen Mod (z.B. Revival oder nur mit dem Grundspiel) verwendet, ist es recht wahrscheinlich, dass einige Inhalte des Spiels nicht richtig funktionieren oder das Spiel gar nicht mehr startet.

NagaOptionals ist meine erste Mod überhaupt. Lasst mich wissen, wie ihr über meine bisherige Arbeit denkt. Feedback ist jederzeit wilkommen bzw. gerne gesehen. Ich habe jede Menge Pläne für zukünftige Updates für diese Mod. Aber scheut euch nicht, eigene Ideen einzubringen. Vielleicht lassen sich diese realisieren. Optionen sind immer gut, sie vergrößern die Vielfalt und Möglichkeiten.

NagaOptionals - May the options be with you!

  • Vorgegebene generelle Änderungen:
    • das Wackeln des Bildschirms beim Abfeuern eines Scharfschützengewehrs reduziert
    • den Zoom-Effekt beim Benutzen der Fertigkeit Sniper entfernt
  • Vorgegebene Änderungen bezüglich Gegenständen:
    • neue einzigartige Waffen hinzugefügt: Hurricane (XM3 Eviscerator) & The Serrater (XM18 Deathray)
    • einige Verbesserungen an Scharfschützengewehren, die dafür sorgen, dass sie stärker anstatt schwächer werden, je weiter man im Level vorankommt
    • die Standard-Version der Force Magnum (2.0 Jäger-Gatling-Gewehr) ist nun beim Händler zu erwerben
    • Bewegungsgeschwindigkeitseinschränkung der Force Magnum entfernt
    • fester Bonus Dienerschaden zu Nahkampfwaffen für Jäger hinzugefügt (Sawblades)
    • einzigartige Versionen von Moon Blade (The Unyielding Moon), Dissector (Moorgoth's Hand), Dissector Shield (Moorgoth's Hold) und Gleamcarver (Grimace) können nun von Gegner fallen gelassen werden
    • Community Items können nun ohne festes Level von Gegnern fallen gelassen werden. Das beinhaltet folgende Gegenstände:
      • The Merkabah (Schild)
      • Leitner's Legacies (Templer Torso-Rüstung)
      • Wild Retribution (Schwert)
      • Grace's Lucky Garb (Cabalist Torso-Rüstung)
      • Zart's Considered Opinion (Schwarmgewehr)
      • Sword of Maeyan (Schwert)
  • Item/Inventory options:
    • Overpowered Dyes: This changes all unique dye kits to have way more powerful stats. The stats on them are equal and are: Skills of all classes +1, Crit Chance +10%, Crit Damage +100-200%, Armor Bonus +1000, Armor Bonus +10-15%, Shield Bonus +2000, SFX Defense +3000-6000, HP Bonus +1000, Power Bonus +1000, HP Regen +300-600, Power Regen +300-600.
    • No Hidden Penalties for Uber Armors: Uber armors for Cabalists and Hunters possess a hidden penalty: decreased max power on Cabalists and decreased movement speed on Hunters. This option removes that penalty.
    • Standard Uber Armors Purchasable: Uber armors in Nagahaku only drop. This makes the standard versions (white, green, blue, etc.) also purchasable from vendors in stations.
    • Level 1 Items: Every item in the game gets a base/min level of 1. So you'll be able to find and purchase even the high level items right from the start of a character. But you can still find/purchase the same items with a higher level if you want.
    • Dual-Wield Melee For All Classes: This adds an affix with +1 Matched Blades to every sword so you'll be dual-wield with every class.
    • Dissectors For Templars: Removes faction requirements from all Dissector swords and shields in case you want to use them with Templars and Cabalists.
    • Sword And Shield Bonuses: Adds skill bonus affixes to Grimace, Moorgoth's Hand and Moorgoth's Hold and all unique claws. +3 Whirlwind for weapons and +1 Guardian/Summoner skills for shields.
    • Powerful Sniper Rifles: This increases fire rate by 50% and accuracy by 100%. The fuse of Stingray and Deathray projectiles is now half as long and the projectile velocity is increased. Furthermore with this option Sydonai's Purview becomes the ultimate sniper rifle in the game.
  • Class/Skill options:
    • No / Lower Cooldowns (Incomplete): INCOMPLETE AND UNTESTED. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING IT. For now only contains Lower Cooldown Strikes and all Blademaster skills. You have that one favorite skill you want to use over and over again but there's a cooldown hindering you from doing so? Don't hesitate, just check this option. With this some skills have no cooldown while others have a greatly reduced one. This is due to technical limitations and my attempt to retain at least a little bit of balance.
    • Engineer Bots Indestructible
    • Reduced Fuse Timer for Strikes: In general strikes take ome time until there's the explosion. I changed that behavior resp. lowered the fuse timer and they'll explode way faster. This allows faster gameplay, especially useful in Nagahaku.
    • Summoner Elementals Indestructible
    • Summoner Elementals Indestructible - Except Force: This version leaves out the force elemental so it'll be able to tank for you. Not compatible with Summoner Elementals Indestructible.
  • Level/Zones options:
    • Deactivate Monster Respawn: When you get annoyed by respawning monsters right behind you you can disable that feature of Nagahaku.
    • Reduced Monster Density: This option reduces the monster density to a little bit more than used in Hellgate London/Revival 1.5. Not compatible with Crazy Slayer.
  • added options of other modders/from other mods:
    IMPORTANT: Make sure you enable the same options from Nagahaku with this mod. Otherwise the previously chosen options while installing Nagahaku mod won't work.
    • Multi Aura (by Nagahaku)
    • Faction Combined (by Nagahaku)
    • added WOW Item Inventory Size (by Nagahaku)
    • No Faction Requirements (by Nagahaku)
    • Level 60 Cap (by Nagahaku)
    • Increased Movement Speed (by the hellgateaus team)
    • Remove Censoring (by the hellgateaus team)

Version History:
Spoiler: Aufklappen

- einige Optionen als empfohlen/vorausgewählt festgelegt

- das Wackeln des Bildschirms beim Abfeuern eines Scharfschützengewehrs reduziert
- den Zoom-Effekt beim Benutzen der Fertigkeit Sniper entfernt

- neue einzigartige Waffen hinzugefügt: Hurricane (XM3 Eviscerator) & The Serrater (XM18 Deathray)
- einige Verbesserungen an Scharfschützengewehren, die dafür sorgen, dass sie stärker anstatt schwächer werden, je weiter man im Level vorankommt

- Option Powerful Sniper Rifles hinzugefügt

- Option Improved Sniper Rifle entfernt, da ich die Änderungen ohnehin komplett neu umsetzen musste


- added option Summoner Elementals Indestructible - Except Force
- added option No / Lower Cooldowns (Incomplete) - contains Lower Cooldown Strikes and all Blademaster skills
- added option Dual-Wield Melee For All Classes
- added option Dissectors For Templars
- added option Sword And Shield Bonuses

- removed option Lower Cooldown Strikes - now part of No / Lower Cooldowns (Incomplete)
- removed option Community Items Purchasable

- fixed an issue with the option Lower Cooldown Strikes throwing multiple strikes at once


- added inherent minion damage bonus to Close Range Weapons for Hunters (Sawblades)

- added Deactivate Monster Respawn option
- added Reduced Monster Density option
- added Nagahaku's Crazy Slayer option

- added separators to make the list clearer
- rearranged most optionals

- removed some options to make the list clearer:
-- Improved Sniper Rifle Accuracy 12
-- Improved Sniper Rifle Accuracy 25
-- Improved Sniper Rifle Fire Rate 34
-- Improved Sniper Rifle Fire Rate 38
-- Increased Movement Speed 25
-- Increased Movement Speed 75


- I was able to fix the color set issue and all the modified dyes should now correctly display their colors again


- made some changes to the Overpowered Dyes so they become available as an option and to make it one complete package
- you should know be able to see all stats on the overpowered dye kits
BUG: The vast amount of stats on them seem to remove the color pattern. If you have any idea how to solve that let me know.


- there are two versions now: the standard one with all the changes listed in the content section and the one with overpowered dyes (OD). The one with overpowered dyes changes all unique dye kits to have way more powerful stats. The stats on them are equal and are:
  • Skills of all classes +1
  • Crit Chance +10%
  • Crit Damage +100-200%
  • Armor Bonus +1000
  • Armor Bonus +10-15%
  • Shield Bonus +2000
  • SFX Defense +3000-6000
  • HP Bonus +1000
  • Power Bonus +1000
  • HP Regen +300-600
  • Power Regen +300-600
- added a line of text with the version number of NagaOptionals to the main/start menu of Hellgate
- added option "Reduced Fuse Timer for Strikes"
- added Option "Lower Cooldown Strikes"


- added Level 1 Items option: Every item in the game gets a base/min level of 1. So you'll be able to find and purchase even the high level items right from the start of a character. But you can still find/purchase the same items with a higher level if you want.


- removed fix level on Community Items, they should now drop/be purchasable with your current level


- standard version of Force Magnum (2.0 Hunter weapon) now purchasable
- removed movement speed penalty on Force Magnum

- unique versions of Moon Blade (The Unyielding Moon), Dissector (Moorgoth's Hand),
Dissector Shield (Moorgoth's Hold) and Gleamcarver (Grimace) are now able to drop

- Community Items are now able to drop. This includes:
-- The Merkabah (shield)
-- Leitner's Legacies (Templar torso armor)
-- Wild Retribution (sword)
-- Grace's Lucky Garb (Cabalist torso armor)
-- Zart's Considered Opinion (Swarm Rifle)
-- Sword of Maeyan (sword)

- added options when installing:
-- No Hidden Penalties for Uber Armors
-- Standard Uber Armors Purchasable
-- Community Items Purchasable
-- Engineer Bots Indestructible
-- Summoner Elementals Indestructible

- added options of other modders/from other mods:
IMPORTANT: Make sure you enable the same options from Nagahaku with this mod. Otherwise the previously chosen options while installing Nagahaku mod won't work.
-- Multi Aura (by Nagahaku)
-- Faction Combined (by Nagahaku)
-- added WOW Item Inventory Size (by Nagahaku)
-- No Faction Requirements (by Nagahaku)
-- Level 60 Cap (by Nagahaku)
-- Sniper Rifle Improvements (by Malachor)
-- Increased Movement Speed (by the hellgateaus team)
-- Remove Censoring (by the hellgateaus team)

Installation Instructions

When you install Hellgate and Nagahaku mod for the first time follow the instructions below:
  1. Install Hellgate.
  2. Start the game and create a character.
  3. Once you've entered the game with your character you can leave immediately.
  4. Download and install the SP 1.2 patch from here: http://www.hellgateaus.info/forum/he...atches/sp-1-2/
  5. Make sure you run the game once after you've installed. Use your character to enter the game and leave it completely afterwards.
  6. Download and install the MP 2.0 patch from here: http://www.hellgateaus.info/forum/he...s/mp-2-0-tcv4/
  7. Make sure you run the multiplayer version of the game once after you've installed and click on Login. Exit afterwards.
  8. Download the Revival 1.5b1 Launcher from here: http://www.hellgateaus.info/forum/he...ch;attach=6120
  9. Unzip all the files in the launcher's zip in any directory where you're able to find it again.
  10. Download Nagahaku 3.0b from here: http://www.hellgateaus.info/forum/he...international/
  11. Execute the launcher and and select Utilities -> Modifications -> Install. In the window that pops up select the Nagahaku3.0b.mod.zip file you downloaded.
  12. You will be presented with a installation dialog featuring patch notes and optional components. Select any optional modifications you want and press the install button.
  13. You do not need to revert previous modifications, the launcher will take case of this for you automatically. Watch the progress bar for installation progress. You will be informed via a dialog message box when the modification has been successfully installed - unless you cancel.
  14. You should now be able to start Hellgate with Naga's changes in use.
This part is for those who already have Nagahaku installed:
  1. Download my mod below.
  2. Execute the launcher and and select Utilities -> Modifications -> Install. In the window that pops up select the NagaOptionalsX.Y.mod.zip file you downloaded.
  3. You will be presented with a installation dialog featuring a description of the mod and optional components. Select any optional modifications you want and press the install button. BUT make sure you choose/check the same options like you did with Nagahaku mod. E.g. when you chose WOW Inventory Size you have to do the same with this mod again. Otherwise your choices on the original installation would be overwritten.
  4. Once the installation is successfully completed you can start the game.
When you reinstall my mod (in case you want to use different options) you have to do the same. If you don't activate an option you've chosen previously the changes will be reverted to the standard state of Nagahaku.


- The biggest credit belongs to the whole hellgateaus team for providing a forum, modding tools and the most fun I had in a long time because I was finally able to enjoy Hellgate, one of my favorite games of all times, again!
- A big thanks to Malachor from the hellgateaus.info forums for helping me getting into Reanimator.
- Thanks Nagahaku for your awesome mod and all the fun I had playing it.

NagaOptionals - Mehr Optionen für Nagahaku

Geändert von Orcinus Orca (5. November 2015 um 23:35 Uhr).