~ Background ~
Team Fragnation was started in 2008 by me and was a Call of Duty 4 clan but three years later we moved towards Battlefield Bad Company 2 and have always been a Battlefield clan since and today we are playing Battlefield 4.
~ Information ~
We need players for competitive gaming like ESL. We will have a schedule and specific days where we train and play training matches against other clans. All are welcome to play with us as we do not really care if you are good or bad, the only thing that matters is that you are going to get better together with us.
We also need public players who just want a nice clan to play with and be social with.
~ Terms ~
1. You must have a retail copy of Battlefield 4.
2. TeamSpeak 3 and a working headset with microphone.
3. You must be at least 16 years old.
4. Be a team player and able to obey orders.
5. Helpful and a mature behavior.
6. Able to speak and understand fluent English.
7. You play for us and only us.
8. We only acceppt players from Europe as the time difference is too great otherwise .
~ Contact ~
As of this moment our website is being designed and coded we need all interested players to contact us through Skype on the following adress: