20. September 2011, 18:46 - z1hnt0 begründet Betaspezifikationen!
 #1 (permalink)
Ghardyne ist offline  
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Zitat von z1hnt0
Stepping a bit further into development and closer to launch, this is a very good way for us to try out all the bits and pieces we have added in and changed since the Alpha.

The Alpha was very important from a server side of view. Now we´re in Beta. Not only does the server side need to be tested but also the complete game client.
What this means is that we pick one map:

Metro: We have already showed this map and made some big changes to it to enhance gameplay as well as get it more fluent than in the Alpha.

Lots of new things have been added in closer to launch. Our rank progression system as well as customizations have made their way into the beta and it´s very important for us to test these things before we launch.

That is the purpose of the Beta as well as combining it with Battlelog and all of the features there.

If you feel that this isn´t the right map for you, then perhaps we don´t really agree on what maps we want to see. Other than that, I do hope people will have a great time playing it and will enjoy the Beta

Sir Uruk.Inc and Rodriguez82 like this.
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Hm. Weil du der größte Spammer bist?!
20. September 2011, 22:47
 #2 (permalink)
Rodriguez82 ist offline  
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First Sergeant

Danke! Dass ausschließlich Metro für die Beta gewählt worden ist, find ich jetzt prinzipiell nicht schlimm, es geht ja sowieso nur um ein paar Tage. So wie ich es verstehe, dient die Beta primär dazu, das System als ganzes unter Last (Client, Server, Battleblog, Ranking, etc) zu testen und nicht Map-Balancing zu betreiben. Für letzteres braucht man nicht unbedingt ne Open Beta.
Allerdings stimmt mich der Satz
If you feel that this isn´t the right map for you, then perhaps we don´t really agree on what maps we want to see.
etwas misstrauisch, da ich eigentlich in BF3 nicht (nur) solche Karten sehen will, und ich hoffe, dass es was die Maps angeht nicht zu sehr in die BC-Richtung abdriftet. Aber lassen wir uns überraschen, bis zum Release gibt's hoffentlich ein paar mehr Infos zu den anderen Maps.
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