Beiträge: 1.850
Artikel: 48 Dabei seit: Jul 2006 | Hiho
Im TS wurde ich als ich mit dem Cheat/Strike-Man anfing zitiert mit meiner Ausage: "Wenn ihr auch das cheaten anfangt, dann bin ich raus!", nun ja es hatte noch einmal richtig Spaß gemacht einen IMPA DMG Char zu bauen, aber danch war wohl alle Luft/Spaß für mich raus aus HGG. Kam etwas überraschend für mcih selber wie schnell es nun ging, ist aber so. Bzw im Grunde habe ich riesen T3-Frust!
So das mal vorweg, aber hier werde ich noch länger abhängen (je nach Zeit und Lust).
Thx spambot, mal schaun ob ich noch Zeit/Lust finde das einzubauen, evtl hat wer Lust der es ncoh selber aktiv nutzen will.
Im Grunde ist oben alles schon mal verlinkt was man braucht, komplizierter wird es nur wenn man BBQ umbauen will, bzw selber neues machen will. Dann wäreren etwas Programmier Kenntnisse hilfreich. Hier aber mal eine Kurz Einführung.
Zum bearbeiten empfiehlt sich ein Editor wie Notapad++ .
Nun ein paar Dateien wo man einfach Änderungen machen kann: # config_hell.lua
examples_hell.startAP(60,30); -- auto pot
--examples_hell.startAS({["analyzer"]=9}); -- auto shopper
--examples_hell.startAI(); -- auto interactor
require("ItemArray"); -- auto dismantler
--require("dwiper"); -- stupid dungeon wiper (twice PAUSE/BREAK key)
-- Note: An active radar will extend your map view, too.
-- You might want to disable / not use MAPHACK in that case...
RADAR = true,
--MAPHACK = true, -- cant be detected
SPEEDHACK = 2, -- game ticks multiplier (use with caution)
Zeilen mit "--" sind ausgeklammert, sprich ohne Funktion.
An der Datei ist eigentlich nur "Speedhack" interessant. Die Zahl kann man beliebig erhöhen um schneller laufen zu können. #ItemArray.lua
Diese Datei beinhaltet das Auto-Loot-Verhalten. Die oben angebotene Versionen zerlegt alles bis Unics, hat aber Ausnahme List mit wertvolleren Items die dann liegen bleiben zum selber aufheben.
local ItemQuality = 13
local ModByPass = 4
local Ignore_Items = {
-- "", --Blade of Behemoth
-- Legendary/Unic Equip
"bonehead_head", -- HW Head
"pumpkin_head", -- HW Head
"headless_horseman_head", -- HW Head
"glowskull_head", -- HW Head
-- unics
"h_ong1_misc2_unique_head", -- Mavericks
"h_mystic4_unique_gloves_01", -- Duellos
"h_mystic6_unique_boots_01", -- Grimsoles
"h_mystic6_unique_torso_01", -- HerosHalfshell
"h_mystic6_unique_shoulders_01", -- Asys
"h_mystic6_unique_belt_01", -- Kaisers
"h_mystic6_unique_pants_01", -- Bughids
"h_mystic6_unique_gloves_01", -- Berks
"h_tech3_unique_shoulders_01", -- SuE
"h_mystic3_unique_gloves_01", --TPJs
-- Legends
-- "h_mystic4_normal_pants", -- Rifleman Hosen
"h_mystic4_normal_torso", -- Rifleman Torso
-- "h_tech4_normal_pants", -- Mili Hosen
"h_tech4_normal_torso", -- Mili Torso
-- "h_ong1_misc1_normal_head", -- NavShel
-- unics
"c_arcane3_unique_belt_01", --Balbis
"c_ong1_misc2_unique_head", --Veiled Threat
-- Legends
-- "c_arcane4_normal_gloves", -- Evo Gloves
-- "c_arcane4_normal_pants", -- Stat Hosen EVO
"c_arcane4_normal_boots", -- Evo Boots
"c_arcane4_normal_torso", -- Evo Torsen
-- unics
"t_arcane6_unique_head_01", --Visor of the Order
"t_ong1_misc2_unique_head", --Face of the Crusader
"t_arcane6_unique_torso_01", --Mahomed
"t_power3_unique_pants_01", --Jugalators
-- Legends
-- "t_arcane4_normal_boots", --Swordman Boots
-- "t_arcane4_normal_gloves", --Swordman Gloves
-- "t_arcane4_normal_pants", --Swordman Hosen
-- "t_arcane4_normal_torso", --Swordman Torso
-- "t_tech4_normal_boots", --Order Boots
-- "t_tech4_normal_gloves", --Order Gloves
-- "t_tech4_normal_pants", --Order Hosen
-- "t_tech4_normal_torso", --Order Torso
-- "t_power4_normal_boots", --Defender Boots
-- "t_power4_normal_gloves", --Defender Gloves
-- "t_power4_normal_pants", --Defender Hosen
-- "t_power4_normal_torso", --Defender Torso
-- "t_power4_normal_belt", --Defender Belt
-- "t_power4_normal_head", --Defender Head
-- "t_ong1_misc1_normal_head", --SpikeGrd
-- Legendary Weapons
"Grenade LauncherMk3", -- Cannonaden
-- "Firebolter", -- Xm 41
"FirebolterMk3", -- Xm 43 low lvl
"FirebolterMk3_tokyo", -- Xm43 aus Tokyo
-- Unics Weapons
"Cricket Bat Unique 03", -- Dimitrys
"MachinepistolMk2 Unique 02", --HUS
"MachinepistolMk3 Unique 01", --Huri
"jp_2h_railgun unique01", --Thor
"Cabalist_Focus13_locus_locus_unique01", --HokusPokus
"Shield12 Unique 02", --Keeper
"Revealer_Physical Unique 02", --Yahtels
-- "Shield02 Unique 02", --Shinns
"Shredder Unique 02", --Alts
"FirebolterMk3 Unique 01", --Hotshot
"Machinepistol Unique 02", --Jungs
"jp_focus unique01", --Valley of Death
"Cabalist_Focus25_prism Unique 01", --Slipnaught
"jp_shield unique01", --TurtleShild
"AgitatorMK2 Unique 02", --Dunbars
"Yongkwang Sword", --YongWang
-- Rest
"task_capacitor2", --QuestItem
"xmas_black_elixir", -- 20min +9%HP
"xmas_red_elixir", -- 20min fire def
"cryptex", -- Cryptexe
-- "blackstone", -- Dark Stones
-- "essence_beast", -- Beast Essencen
-- "essence_demon", -- Demon Essencen
-- "essence_spectral", -- Spectral Essencen
-- "essence_necro", -- Necro Essencen
-- "shield capacitor5", -- Advanced Shield Booster
-- "shield capacitor4",
-- "shield capacitor3", -- LArge Shield Booster
-- "shield capacitor2", -- Medium Shield Booster
-- "shield capacitor", -- Basic Shield Booster
-- "gyro stabilizer5", -- Gyro stabilizer gross
-- "gyro stabilizer4",
-- "gyro stabilizer3", -- Gyro stabilizer mittel
-- "gyro stabilizer2", -- Gyro stabilizer klein
-- "stabilizing injector5",
-- "stabilizing injector4",
-- "stabilizing injector3",
-- "stabilizing injector2",
-- "stabilizing injector",
-- "shunt capacitor5", -- Advanced Shock Guard
-- "shunt capacitor4",
-- "shunt capacitor3", -- Large Shock Guard
-- "shunt capacitor2", -- Medium Shock Guard
-- "shunt capacitor", -- Basic Shock Guard
-- "fire extinguisher5", -- Fire Retardant
-- "fire extinguisher4",
-- "fire extinguisher3", -- Advanced Fire Retardant
-- "fire extinguisher2", -- Medium Fire Retardant
-- "fire extinguisher", -- Basic Fire Retardant
-- "antidote injector5",
-- "antidote injector4",
-- "antidote injector3",
-- "antidote injector2",
-- "powerpack4", -- Large Powerpack
-- "medpack4", -- Large Medpack
-- "powerpack3", -- Large Powerpack
-- "medpack3", -- Large Medpack
-- "basic powerpack", -- Basic Powerpack
-- "basic medpack", -- Basic Medpack
-- "large medpack", -- Medium Heahlt injektor
-- "large powerpack", -- Medium Power injektion
-- "powerpack5", -- Nanodyne Power Injektion
-- "medpack5", -- Nanodyne Health Injector
-- "cube_ingredient_02", -- Basic Sagred Fragment
-- "cube_ingredient_01", -- Advanced Sagred Fragment
-- "Firebrand Pod Unique 01", -- Firefox
-- "Spark RifleMk3 Unique 02", -- Nikola Polyphase Rifle
-- Blueprints
-- ++ Alle Blueprints werden geschrettert nur StrDarkMon und FreeDevilSpirit bleiben liegen
-- "blueprints",
-- "Shield12 Unique 01_blueprint", -- The One Hundreth Solder
-- "Id Pulsar Unique 02_bluprint", -- Kalikas
-- "Firebrand Launcher Unique 02_blueprint", -- Moyer´s Ressource Blueprint
-- "cabalist_Focus04_lens_locus_unique01_blueprint", -- Mindbender Lens Blueprint
-- "Shattercythe Unique 02_blueprint", -- Tolbys Destroyer Blueprint
-- "Poseidon Sniper RifleMk2 Unique 01_blueprint",
-- "Exploding Tar Gun Unique 02_blueprint",
-- "Schield09 Unique 02_blueprint",
-- "Stun Baton Unique 02_blueprint",
-- "Orb Arc RifleMk2 Unique 01_blueprint",
-- "Meteor Blade Unique 02_blueprint",
-- "Cabalist_Focus11_prism_locus_unique01_blueprint",
-- "Vampire Pistol Unique 02_blueprint",
-- "Chaos Blade Unique 01_blueprint",
-- "Reflux Field Orb LauncherMk2 Unique 02_blueprint",
-- "Firebolter Unique 01_blueprint", --Volcan Bolter Blueprint
-- "Holy Handsword Unique 02_blueprint", --Ieoubs Final Word
-- "Shock Blade Unique 02_blueprint", -- Stormblade
-- "Shield02 Unique 02_blueprint", -- Shinns Guard Blueprint
-- "Orb Arc Rifle Unique 01_blueprint", -- Lambert Ruthless Blueprint
-- "Hand Grabbler Unique 01_blueprint", -- Mr. Claw Blueprint
Was hier wieder mit "--" ausgeklammert ist, wird zerlegt, will man davon was behalten die "--" wegmachen und es bleibt liegen.
-------------------- CONFIG --------------------
-- 1 = NORMAL - White
-- 2 = ENHANCED - Green
-- 3 = RARE - Blue
-- 4 = LEGENDARY - Orange
-- 6 = UNIQUE - Yellow
-- 13 = MYTHIC - Purple
-- 15 = SET - Red
-- >> ItemQuality:
-- Dismantle Quality. 1-15. ex. 4 = Legendary.
-- It would keep everything Legendary and above.
-- The rest is Dismantled.
-- >> ModByPass:
-- This will bypass ItemQuality but only for
-- mods! Set to 3 to keep Rare+ mods.
-- >> Ignore_Items:
-- This filters out models that you don't wanna
-- pick up. NOTE: It's Exact names. Not
-- Regex/Partial match.
--------------------------------------------]]-- local ItemQuality = 13
local ModByPass = 4
Hier könnte man aber auch gleich die zerlege Stufe für Items und Mods ändern. #mme.lua
Hier kann man die Skills zum ancasten durch BBQ einstellen. Der gewählte Skill muss nur vorhanden sein auf irgend einen Asurüstungsteil oder Skillbaum.
local win32input = register(event.USERINPUT,
if isIngame() then -- This will prevent functions from being triggered Unless it really is in game. (aka. Not loading etc.)
if e.message==MSG_KEYUP then
if e.wparam == 35 then -- "End"
local pl=hell_env.getPlayer_C();
if pl.z1+pl.head_z*14 > pl.z1 then pl.z1=pl.z1+pl.head_z*14; end
elseif e.wparam == 46 then -- "Del"
delay(10, function() end)
elseif e.wparam == 51 then -- "3"
delay(10, function() end)
elseif e.wparam == 54 then -- "6"
delay(10, function() end)
elseif e.wparam == 55 then -- "7"
delay(10, function() end)
elseif e.wparam == 56 then -- "8"
delay(10, function() end)
--[[ Skill Numbers: "hell_skill.getSkillName_C(nr)"
Take SkillNumber from below, and change by "" the X with your Skill choice.
The Skill u choice have to be on char, and not all Skills work that way.
0 = Left Weapon
1 = Right Weapon
2 = Both Weapons
3 = Recall
4 = Stuck
5 = Swiftness Boost
6 = Operate and Create
7 = Paperdoll BM
8 = Critical Buildup
9 = Regeberation Buildup
10 = Velocity Buildup
11 = Buildup Mastery
12 = Single Out
13 = Single Out Taunt
14 = Single Out Mastery
15 = Hand Grap Attack
16 = Air Melee Attack BM
17 = Throw Sword
18 = Throw Sword Mastery
19 = Throw Sword Many
20 = Debuff Attack BM
21 = Jump Slam BM
22 = Cleave
23 = Charge
24 = Chare Mastery
25 = Blade Path
26 = Flurry BM
27 = Spinning Sweep
28 = Whirlwind
29 = WhirlwindMelee
30 = DualMelle
31 = Thorns
32 = Power Aura BM
33 = Ele Aura
34 = Crit Aura
35 = Holy Wind Aura BM
36 = Vengeful Wind Aura BM
37 = Surge Heal
38 = Surge Crusader
39 = Paperdoll Grd
40 = Armore Mastery Grd
41 = Holy Wind Aura Grd
42 = Vengeful Wind Aura Grd
43 = Healing Prayer
44 = Spectral Prayer
45 = Great Defender
46 = Reg Aura
47 = Armor Aura
48 = Ele Aura
49 = Grand Aura
50 = Challenge
51 = ChallengeAI
52 = Denounce
53 = Denounce Mastery
54 = Challenge Mastery
55 = Shield Boost
56 = Active Block
57 = Shield Bash
58 = Shield Spin Attack
59 = Shield Charge Attack
60 = Stampede
61 = Dig_In
62 = Shield Mastery
63 = Jump Slam Grd
64 = Debuff Attack Grd
65 = Air Melee Attack Grd
66 = Power Aura
67 = Thorns Aura
68 -> 94 = nothing
95 = Shield Toss
96 = Aura Stability
97 = Papperdoll MM
98 = reflective Bullets
99 = Target Bounce
100 = Pene Shot
101 = Critical Mastery Chance
102 = Critical Mastery Dmg
103 = Beacon MM
104 = Beacon Mastery
105 = Multi Beacon
106 = Multi Beacon Single
107 = Crouch MM
108 = Crouch Mastery Regen
109 = Crouch Mastery Ele
110 = Sniper
111 = Sniper Clear
112 = Sniper Mastery
113 = Panic MM
114 = Panic Attack MM
115 = Panic Mastery Cooldown
116 = Panic Mastery Dmg
117 = Multi Bullets
118 = Escape MM
119 = Escape Mastery
120 = Grenade
121 = Greande Phase
122 = Greande Toxic
123 = Greande Stun
124 = Napalm MM
125 = Stun Bomb MM
126 = Shock Fiel MM
127 = EMP Blast
128 = Flash Bang
129 -> 157 = nothing
-- Eng
158 = Paperdoll Engi
159 = Panic Eng
160 = Panic Attack Eng
161 = Crouch Engi
162 = Greande Phase Eng
163 = Stun Bomb Eng
164 = Shock Field Eng
165 = Napalm Eng
166 = Beacon Eng
167 = Escape Eng
168 = Targeting Device
169 = Sacrifice Device CC
170 = Cooldown Device
171 = Rocket Device
172 = Bomber Device
173 = Sacrifice Device Bomber
174 = Spider Mines
175 = Nanobots
176 = Sacrifice Device Damage
177 = Turret Mastery
178 = Turret Encasement
179 = Turret Equip Gun
180 = Turret Equip Sword
181 = Turret Ultimate
182 = Make Turret
183 = Turret Heal Mode
184 = Turret Shield Mode
185 = Turret Repair
186 = Turret Lock Down
187 = Turret Lock Down Mastery
188 -> 199 = nothing
-- Sum
200 = Elemental Nova
201 = Elemental Summoning Mastery
202 = Summon Fire Eles
203 = Summon Spectral Eles
204 = Summon Physical Eles
205 = Summon Electrical Eles
206 = Summon Toxic Eles
207 = Fire Eles Mstery
208 = Blood Link Sum
209 = Major Pet Mastery
210 = Meat Shield
211 = Increase Healing
212 = Area Blast
213 = Summon Carnagor
214 = Summon Healer
215 = Summon Blaster
216 = Summon Reaper
217 = Enrage Companion
218 = Mind Control
219 = Directed Blast
220 = Toxic Spirit Sum
221 = Toxic Armor Sum
222 = Toxic Armor Attack Sum
223 = Bug Field Sum
224 = Concentrae SummonElemental
225 = Transform Zombie
226 = Transform Remove
227 = Cabalist Zombie Melee
228 = Cabalist Zombie Lord
229 = Zombie Sacrifice
230 = nothing
-- Evo
231 = Paperdoll Evo
232 = Vampire Curse Evo
233 = CorpseHeal Evo
234 = Spectral Curse Evo
235 = Spectral Curse Explode
236 = Drain Power
237 = Drain Life Evo
238 = Drain SFX Def Evo
239 = Scatter Evo
240 = Power Shield
241 = Conc Dmg
242 = Dual Focus Evo
243 = Summon Fire Elemental Evo
244 = Blink Evo
245 = Flame Machinegun
246 = Exploding Darts
247 = Meteor
248 = Spectral Bolt
249 = Spectral Zap
250 = Spectral Nova
251 = Electic Ball
252 = Storm
253 = Storm Lightning
254 = Electic Lasers
255 = Spear
256 = Physical Nova
257 = Physical MIRV
258 = Physical MIRV Missile
259 = Toxic Spirit
260 = Toxic Armor
261 = Toxic Armor Attack
262 = Bug Field
263 -> 290 = nothing
Code: elseif e.wparam == 46 then -- "Del"
delay(10, function() end) Die erste Zahl ist die Taste, "46" steht zb für die "Del" oder "Entf" Taste.
Die zweite Zahl ist der Skill der durch diese Taste ausgewählt wird, ein relativ vollständige Lsite aller Skills liegt bei.
So das sollte mal weiter helfen, wenn wer weiter bastelt, bitte hier posten!  ______________________________________________________________________ @HGG:Meini ENG 55/50; Meinard GRD 55/50; Hamu2 EVO 55/50; Hami MM 55/50; Hamu BM 55/50; Hame SUM 55/50 @CBT: Brunhild BM 29 @Japan: Danker MM 50/1 ; Brunhilt BM 50/14 ; Horn GRD 50; @Damals: Normal: X2-Kurt MM 50/22; X3-Luise Evo 50/20; X6-Brunhild BM 50/15; Elite: X7-Selma MM 50/18 |