Zitat von Dr4ven Dear DICE!
Maybe you remember a small group of 5 ESL Admins visiting your studio back in late autumn 2010?
If so, then maybe you also remember the suitcase full of community suggestions they handed over and the following discussion plus a pdf you made based on it?
Well, we all know what happened to these papers - you scrapped them all or you have been forced to do so.
So we all are pretty sure what could be done to improve the BF franchise to an extent where pretty much all of your target audience could be pleased, right?
If not, your CMs are completely obsolete for the community in this regard.
Here's a small amount of things that quite a bunch of peeps want to see:
- no colourfilters and if just small tweaks
- commander or SL only using commander assets like UAV, artillery or supply drops
- 6 men squads and 6 kits
- squadspawn only on SL as default setting
- intuitive and adaptive commorose
- minimap in real colours
- overview map in real colours
- menues for 1080p screens, not 480p
- BF2 flag layouts, much more different heights and elevations on a map
- ingame VoIP
- BFRecorder
- SpecView
- Modtools |
Ich würde vielleicht schreiben, "Dear developers at DICE".
Allerdings würde ich solche vagen Vorwürfe weglassen, sowas wird dort dann nicht mehr ernst genommen.