Habe noch was gefunden, das was der Gustav hier von sich gibt hört sich aber nicht mehr so positiv an.
Gustav Halling says :
Monday, September 10th, 2012
I cant agree with you at all sorry and we wont revert it.
We will however keep on monitoring the situation and how it plays out the coming month.
I play a lot on vehicle servers and a good pilot could stay up the whole round including me. If you didnt get a RPG on you while strafing the ground around a base you where impossible to get down.
I can stay up a reasonable amount of time after the balanced tweaks and I dont feel cheated when being shot down.
What pilots that cant stay up after the patch is to re-think their tacticts.
It dosent work to go head first into a base and think you are invulnerable as before.
Its as designed that Below radar dosent work from handheld stingers.
It was a minor wrong activating it with the last patch since we didnt have it like that the first 5 months. Quelle |
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D. h. "Unter dem Radar" war seit dem März Patch ein Bug und jetzt haben sie ihn lediglich korrigiert und deshalb nichts in den Changelog geschrieben? SRSLY?