| So Leutz,
Ich erstelle hier nun den ersten (richtigen) thread zu Crysis 3!
Ein paar Richtlinien müssen auch sein.^^
#1- Keine Doppelpost's
#2- Höflichkeit (Auch wenn man jemanden nicht direkt beleidigt will ich hier keine gehässigen Kommentare o.Ä. sehen.
#3- Crysis 1/Warhead sind offiziell bis dato die besten Teile der Serie 
#4- Keine Müll-post's
#5- New rules maybe added at anytime
Und ich fange auch gleich mal an mit ein paar Neuigkeiten + Spekulation (von mir) http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/crysis-3/1223607p1.html
1. The Return of Prophet and Psycho (Finde ich am interessantesten.) How Prophet comes back to life is... unclear. The only reason, I'm told, is that "it's a good explanation about why he's back." Obviously it's not a detail that's going to be shared this soon after a reveal, but I'm willing to bet it has something to do with Prophet's long history of battling the Ceph and using the Nanosuit -- perhaps it has resurrection powers?
They've also managed to bring Psycho out of hiding, and we haven't seen him since the end of Crysis: Warhead. To be clear, I only heard Psycho in the demo. He could be a product of Prophet's imagination for all I know. And considering it's supposed to be 20 years after the events of Crysis 2, and both memorable characters don't sound any less for wear, that sounds like a viable theory 1. Hmm. Wie kann das nur gemeint sein? Man darf nicht vergessen das Alcatraz der bisherige Pilot des Nanosuit ist, oder ist er es nicht? Am Ende von Crysis 2 antwortet er auf die Frage nach seinem Namen mit "Sie nannten mich Prohpet". Doch was bedeutet das für Alcatraz? Ich denke es gab zwischen der Zeit in der er aus dem Höllenschlund der Alienapparatur wieder ausgespuckt wurde und der letzten Videosequenz eine besondere Handlung.
(Totale Spekulation) Alcatraz kommuniziert mit der künstlichen Intelligenz von Prophet die im Nanosuit verweilt und Prohpet erklärt ihm das es durch sein Wissen über die Ceph besser wäre wenn er wieder das Steuer übernimmt (vielleicht sogar von Alcatraz's Körper). Denn man kommt ja in Kontakt mit dem Wissenschaftler und ehemaligen Partner von Hargreave.
Ein weiterer Grund/Möglichkeit könnte sein das Alcatraz freiwillig "abdankt" da er ja am Anfang von Crysis 2 ziemlich angeschlagen wurde. (Wir erinnern uns)
Viele Knochenbrüche und Frakturen, innere Verletzungen- Alcatraz war eigentlich schon ein Fall für die Intensivstation. Der Nanosuit ermöglichte ihm Fortbewegung und sogar den Kampf gegen die Ceph und die Söldner von C.E.L.L.(.)
Ich finde die Handlung in Crysis 2 nicht übermäßig brutal doch ich bezweifle das Prohpet guten Gewissens den Körper von Alcatraz übernimmt da das moralisch schon ziemlich fragwürdig und untypisch verwerflich für Crysis wäre.
2. The Compound Bow
Like Dan pointed out last week, the compound bow gives Crysis 3 a very Hunger Games vibe. And considering how many times I heard the term "you're the hunter instead of the hunted" during the demo, the bow seems to blend well into the new approach with Crysis 3.
Yes, there's still going to be cool weapons like the Typhoon, which is an automatic rifle that fires 500 rounds a second (seriously), but it's the bow that seems to be the most versatile weapon because you can equip a variety of different warheads to arrows. This will encourage more of a stealth approach to gameplay, where you hang back to assess your surroundings, mark your targets, and plan your attack -- kind of like if you're a sniper in the field. In addition, this is the first time where you'll be allowed to shoot while cloaked, helps lend to the stealth-heavy approach. 2. Zum Bogen sage ich nichts. (Wir aber auf jedenfall mal ne Abwechslung zu Handfeuer/Alientech-Waffen)
3. Animals
One of the most memorable moments in all of PC gaming has to be when we all encountered that sea turtle on the beach in the original Crysis, picked it up, and then chucked it into a pile of rocks. Oh, you didn't do that? Oh, well, never mind then.
For those that did, you may have noticed a severe lack of critters to hurl in Crysis 2. This looks to be alleviated in Crysis 3 with the return of animals, such as the frogs we saw hopping around in the water during the swamp level. It's small touches like these that help make it feel more like a believable location for me. Later, as we get closer to the release of Crysis 3, we'll learn about other animals and environments that will make it into this urban jungle, Crytek promises. And yes, we'll find out how far we can throw them (if at all).
3. Tiere könnten witzig und sehr interessant sein. Ich weiß ja nicht was für Tiere sich in NY tummeln in diesem Dschungel. Aber so eine Horde Rehe könnte doch prima ein paar Aliens ablenken?
4. Hacking Functionality
Looks like Crytek is taking a page from Starbreeze's book with the very Syndicate-like hacking mechanic added to Crysis 3. From an observational standpoint, they look like they behave in the same way. During our demo, Prophet got in range of an enemy turret, aimed the targeting reticle, and presto! It started opening fire on the nearby enemy Ceph.
While it was unclear exactly how Crysis 3's hacking will work, it appears it will follow Syndicate's approach: hold down a key for a few seconds while targeting a turret, door panel, switch, you name it, and it's hacked. If that type of mechanic is prevalent throughout Crysis 3, it could introduce some fun alternate pathways through the city. 4. Hacking hört sich sehr interessant an.
5. Nano Dome
It's taken years but it looks like we finally have a videogame that will tap into the comedy goldmine that is Bio-Dome. Except this time it's called a Nano Dome, contains evil aliens, and doesn't appear to have Pauly Shore anywhere in sight.
For the fiction of Crysis 3, these domes were constructed to contain the Ceph threat and are scattered throughout the globe. Our demo took place at the Liberty Dome which has been built over the remains of New York City, giving it a very post-apocalyptic tinge. It also opens up an interesting prospect: what if we could visit other domes throughout the world? We know we'll be exploring different parts of NYC with different themes -- swamp, rainforest, grassland -- but could we also be looking at a Crysis that is a globe-traveler? We'll have to wait and see.
5. Nano-Dome- Ebenfalls sehr intredasting.
So far...
Nun will ich euch hören.  |
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