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21. December 2010, 23:08
.Kite .Kite ist offline
Beiträge: 246
Dabei seit: Sep 2007

Zitat von teffile Beitrag anzeigen
JUHUUU!! Es funktioniert endlich!!

War den ganzen Nachmittag am Gegenstände traden...

Aber ist das für die Reanimator Beta normal, das sie noch keine Bilder anzeigen kann, nur den Rahmen?

Ah jo... ging in unserem Forum ein bisschen verschüttet xD
Ich hoffe du verstehst Englisch, ansonsten übersetze ich das auch gerne:

How to enable item trading images:
1. Download the multiplayer TCv4 patch from here (DDL) or here (torrent).
2. Install it and start MP mode once so the game can extract all files
3. Future versions of the item trading will access the image files directly, but this version requires you to extract the images from the game files. These files will require about 300MB of additional disk space! (and about 150-200MB of additional RAM when item trading uses these images )
To do this

* start up Reanimator
* go to "File -> Open -> Index File -> Hellgate London/Data -> mp_hellgate_1.10.180.3416_1.0.86.4580.idx" and open it
* In the new table, type "data\units\items" into the small search box in the top left corner of the screen and hit the "Search" button
* Wait until the system has found all relevant files (about 3034) and right click into the table
* click "Extract selected", select the "Hellgate London/Data" folder and click "Ok". When the system asks you wether it should "Keep [the] directory structure", click "yes".
* wait until the extraction process is finished and you're ready to go