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3. March 2010, 15:13
Raziel_AUT ist offline  
Beiträge: 445

Ganz genau kann ich es dir jetzt nicht sagen.
Hab gestern was gelesen in dem Zuge, da scheint es auf Seiten von EA noch Probleme zu geben an denen gearbeitet wird.
Ich glaub das war in einem Blog von EA
Hier der Link unten der Inhalt rauskopiert.

BC2 site experiencing high traffic!
BY: mtague POSTED: Mar 02, 2010, 03:29PM TOTAL VIEWS: 11,861 COMMENTS: 174
Website Update: The site is available again. We are monitoring it to see if the issue occurs again. We are now only fetching the stats every 15 minutes, so the stats updates may be slow. The leaderboards only update once an hour.

Game Update: The game issue is separate from the web entirely and is already being worked on. I don't have the ETA.

How do I get my Veteran Reward in BC2?

You go to the BC2 website, login the site then click on "Soldier" in the main menu.

In your "Soldier" page, click on the Veteran link. BC2 should automatically appear.

Note: The CD Key games won't work and 1943 (still) doesn't detect all the time. We are working on those two items.

The BC2 site is experience a high amount of traffic and is having intermitent accessibility!

Please be patient while we work on resolving this as quickly as we can.

TAGGED: Bad Company 2, Battlefield Bad Company
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