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10. June 2008, 13:28 - Teil 2
Flönz Flönz ist offline
Beiträge: 52
Dabei seit: Apr 2008

"What about this punch of power thing I heard of?"

"It's a myth, my Lord."

"Fine, can we make a tincture then?"

"A myth, not a myrrh."



"Can we?"

"Good Lord!"


"I mean, no, we can't."


"There you're right, my Lord."

"What else could we do?"

"We could call a shaman for the laying on of hands."

"I am not sure, if I am going to like that."

"We might find a female shaman for you."



"By the way, my Lord. Have you heard the alarming news from the western front?"

"What news?"

"The enemy has overcome our defences and is about to advance by forced marches."



"They will be all very tired when they arrive here."

"I don't think so, my Lord. Demons don't get tired."

"And their feet will hurt awfully."

"I'm afraid, they don't care about their feet, my Lord. Some of them even don't have feet."

"C'mon, you try to wind me up. How can they march without feet?"

"They fly, float, creep and crawl."

"Fly? Cool."


"How do they?"

"Using their wings, my Lord."

"Wings - very handy thing."

"Yes. I agree in principle, my Lord, but..."

"Do our men have wings as well?"



"What are you intending to do, my Lord."

"Let's see. It's about lunch time. Are you hungry?"

"No, I mean, how do plan to stop the enemy?


"Yes, my Lord, you."

"I am the King."

"Yes, you are, my Lord."

"The King never does anything."
Flönz iss en kölsche Woosch. En Woosch es jet för ze esse us Fleisch, Speck, Salz un Jewöze, mänchmol och met Blot un Jebötts. Dat weed vermangt un in en Därm jedäut, mänchmol och in en Jlas. Flönz iss jet ähnlishet wie de Blotwoosch unn weed och uss Bloot unn Würfelscher vumm Suuspäck jemaat. Äwwer Flönz weed jekoch unn Blotwoosch jeräuschat. Unn deswäjje sinn de Flönz wabbelisch unn dä Blotwoosch bleev och in dä Pann stief wie enn Kummelejoonskääz.