Anscheinend ist DICE dem Problem mit den Spielabbrüchen in Night Maps auf die Schliche gekommen.
[Hi guys and girls!
We've seen some uptick in crashrates on the CTE - and we'd like to get to the bottom of this change.
If you are currently crashing, please post detailed information in this thread. We are trying to figure out what happened to cause the increase, and if there is a specific issue we could fix to remove these crashes.
Please report what map you played, if you know what CL (the little number on the bottom right of the screen), what state was it in (loading, respawn, playing for x minutes etc), and what driver/gpu you sport.
Angebliche Lösung:
[UPDATE: We have tracked the current crash to possibly be related to a specific type of nvidia card and the Origin overlay. Please try and disable the origin overlay (Origin -> Settings -> Origin in Game -> Untick Enable Origin In Game).]
...Ich bin mal gespannt!