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22. May 2015, 12:10
 #3 (permalink)
nemron80 ist offline  
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Ist zwar direkt Offtopic, aber wer kann was dagegen haben mit einen lächeln ins Wochenende zu gehen

D4 on PC interview – SWERY talks PC gaming and Deadly Premonition

GC: Are you ever intending to return to Deadly Premonition with a new game, and if not what else are you working on at the moment?

HS: Deadly Premonition is always on my mind. But I have no idea what form it’ll take, when it’ll appear, who I’ll work on it with, or how I’ll present it. The only answers are in the coffee.

Aside from that, I’m also working on a story about a high school girl detective who uses the imagination (fantasising) energy from masturbating to help her solve murders. But all the publishers keep telling me ‘There’s no way we could put out such a perverted game!’ LOL!

I wish someone would let me make it.