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As Final Stand is going through the release certification and finaling, the CTE is back to “normal” again (approximately two releases a week).
This time however, we are going to enable some prototypes that we want to start testing right away!
All players with Premium are now able to register on the CTE, regardless of platform. This means we will be getting some new blood coming in to the CTE.
Please help these CTE-beginners in the best possible manner to make them feel welcome – we value input from all platforms and players here!
If you are a console CTE player, and have a decent PC – you can also download the PC-CTE client and can test the gameplay changes we are making.
If you don’t feel like playing or your framerate is too bad – I’d recommend spectating, it still works and you can take part!
As you might have guessed this is merely the first (tiny) step towards getting CTE console support, and it has been a long time coming. Sadly these things take much longer than you’d like.
In general the CTE Battlelog website works like the regular counterpart – but with severly limited amounts of functionality. I highly recommend looking through the recent news posts, forums etc to familiarize yourselves with the system and community!
Once again, Welcome to the CTE!
In this release we have two prototypes enabled, a Prototype normally includes something we’d like to change that is a large and scary change.
Under normal circumstances where there is no CTE – we’d think both twice and thrice about before committing to something of this magnitude.
Now however, we feel it is time to start attacking some of these things head on. Initially we will be enabling two prototypes:
Prototype 1: Attack Helicopter Physics
GOAL: Improve manuverability while still maintaining an approachable flight model.
THIS RELEASE: The Z-10 Chinese attack helicopter has new and improved physics in this release.We have replaced the US attack helicopter with the Chinese one, which means you can test CH vs CH heli (new physics) on maps featuring Chinese and US factions.
Prototype 2: “Headglitch” fix
GOAL: Make the issue of headglitching go away without confusing the player as to why his bullets doesnt shoot over certain objects in first person
THIS RELEASE: An initial prototype solution has been implemented for one weapon per class: M1014, M40A5, M4A1, MG4, QBU88, SCAR-H, DEAGLE, MPX.Try these weapons and get behind objects where only your head sticks up and give it a whirl!
As you can imagine, changes of this magnitude needs alot of tweaking to get right – and we might never get there.
Note: Anything we prototype risk getting cut & never released!
For instance – we might decide it’s not fitting for Battlefield, it’s too hard to understand, or plainly not worth it.
We will however from now on include you guys in the process, and let you see things at an even earlier stage – as we value your feedback highly.
This release has more than prototypes enabled, these are the changes in this patch:
FAC boats main cannon sound no longer loops 4-ever
Soldier camo now correctly persists between rounds
Lumphini Garden Fixes
Windows on trainstation no longer has green tint
Fixed several collision issues near valves and in between post levelution.
Fixed collision for EOD Bot near m-coms in Rush.
Fixed C4 & Grenade issue with windows not breaking on the center houses.
Fixed several clipping issues with post levelution
Fixed missing texture issue near south east corner of the map
Marketplace fixes
The rooftop sign now has its collision cleaned up
Fixed issue where the player could see through the worls after destroying part of building near CH base.
Fixed collision issue with scaffold near flag E
Zavod 311 Fixes
Fixed collision/raycast on various objects to fix: shooting on the top of the roof, floating c4 on servicelamp
Fixed grenades being blocked when thrown: http://cte.battlelog.com/bf4/forum/t...8005233219718/
Fixed clipping issue on radio tower.
Fixed the collision for clipping into the ground after the collapse of the smoke tower
Fixed bad collision on the high roofs at D and C: http://tinypic.com/r/2zxo2vl/8
Collection of bad collision(mostly near C, D and E): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq8tbgr77Vo
Rogue Transmission Fixes
Fixed slopes on the radar dish before levelution: http://imgur.com/RTNFwxm
Fixed bad collision in the “standard” building on Rogue Transmission (repeated on other maps like Dawnbreaker) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndIkROu0l2g, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2_eJ3V2czI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es9H3vwVNBY
Fixed two indestructible poles that get vehicles stuck http://i.imgur.com/ImKitZ4.png
Fixed fence that cannot be destroyed or shot through http://i.imgur.com/AA4Nleq.png
Propaganda Fixes
Fixed collision issue near A Objective statue http://imgur.com/hnOyfk1
Sunken Dragon
Fixed so you can run over this (on C flag) http://de.tinypic.com/r/1568qdj/8
Fixed invisible extension from building (same as on Dawnbreaker) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8VL...ature=youtu.be
Flood Zone Fixes
Fixed collision for crates on the ground (between B and A) http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=5bya38&s=8#.VBeGEvl_t8E
Fixed shooting up from the ground made you hit collision boxes (ground level B) http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=n1319w&s=8#.VBeGCPl_t8E
Fixed rails next to stairs have bad collision (seen at C) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7WUdXrCA9o
Lancang Dam Fixes
Fixed concrete support at B clipping issue http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3...ahfe2i_jpg.htm http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3...fspjhl_jpg.htm
Operation Metro Fixes
Fix for C4 through roof kills from the subway on B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3w98Nw_Fa4
Fixed collision issue in windows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPDr...ature=youtu.be
Hainan Resort Fixes
Fixed bad collision post-levelution, both sides of C http://www.gfycat.com/DirectSnivelingJackrabbit
Operation Locker Fixes
Fixed the collision on the pillar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvik4SdBtvM
Kobra sight improvements
On popular demand (while still working against snow), the Kobra sights now have a more exact point and look closer to what they do in Fall Patch.
Corrected the Estonian, Bulgarian flags on country dogtags
Fixed tracers showing through objects after hit
Most prominent on soldiers when shot in the head, now correctly masks the tracer effect on other side of head.
Implemented first pass of Squad Spawn 2.0
We are looking to change the way squad spawns work in the game to stop players from spawning into certain death/getting jumped by a full squad when fighting a single target.
We’ve initially tied this to supression, and the built in cooldown of said supression – which means you cannot spawn on a squadmate that is in combat until he/she is out of combat for a little while.
This is by no means the final implementation, but it is a start. We want specific feedback on this and how it plays in different settings!
Added vehicle occupancy and vehicle information to spawn screen
Also added optional Rank (per player) option to show that here – never enter a noob heli again! 
Enabled PC gamepad aim assist for testing purposes
Console users able to run PC game – please try this!
“New” Soldier Collision Fixes
As Introduced with Final Stand BETA – the new Soldier Collision system caused some bad follow up bugs where you could end up under the map and inside objects jumping backwards in specific places.
We believe this is now fixed – and need your help testing Soldier Collision all over the place!
Obliteration Competitive changes
Light on 1P model of the bomb now synced to when the bomb UI is visible (use as cue!)
Added No Squad Spawn volume functionality
Dawnbreaker: Implemented new layout with new cover, levelution triggered from the get go, changed bomb drop locations and removed quads
Golmud Railway: Added more cover to spawn areas, moved spawnpoints, moved a couple of the bomb locations from the road, added no squad spawn areas around bases, reduced combat area along the sides to reduce base camping
| http://cte.battlelog.com/bf4/news/vi...atch-1-153785/ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Let's rock the Battlefield  Stolzes Mitglied der Nightcrew von Battlefield-3.org |
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