Beiträge: 3.954
Artikel: 3 | Huge patchnotes again: Zitat:
This is what is included in this patch:
Added Advanced Gameplay options screen
We’ve cleaned up the gameplay options screen – and added an advanced version (where the High frequency network option and other options which might be too much for casual players get put from now on).
Added several UI Transparency options to advanced options screen
Including new default values – give us feedback on the default values and added items. Don’t forget to click on the RESET button under gameplay options to get the new default values!
Added more guns to use the new Visual recoil system
AWS, M60e4, M249, U100 MK5, Desert Eagle, p226, m416, AK5c. Give us feedback on these new additions!
3P Head flinching: Removed “bad” variations on the reaction animations
Now the worst offender animations do not play – and the head stays much more stable in general.
Flooded railing shotgun collision issue
Now approriately reflect where damage is applied – consider this first pass, we will revisit railings all over the place soon.
Due to your great continued feedback, we have a lot of tweaks & fixes added today. We are also adding Rogue Transmission to the mix.
General Fixes
Rush default time limit per base lowered from 60 to 15 minutes
Longer default pre-match timer
Made 100 tickets the default Rush ticket value for PS4, Xbone & PC
Changed spawn delay on RHIBs to 10 seconds (15 seconds with Rush rules). This is to always permit attackers to get out of their home base which is far from shore
Changed initial spawn delay of IFV to 0 seconds
Changed initial spawn delay of transport helo to 0 seconds
Change initial spawn delay of scout helo to 30 seconds
Removed the FAC
Removed some emplaced weapons throughout the map
Moved and deleted some cover from base 1
Moved 1A and 1B
Moved defender spawns at base 1 to not spawn them too close to the objectives
Moved attacker HQ flag 2,3,4
Slightly extended combat area for attackers at base 2 to allow them to flank more easily on the left
Added some cover around MCOM A base 2
Moved MCOM B at base 2 to inside one of the barracks
Moved some attacker spawns a little bit closer at base 3
Moved MCOM A & B at base 3
Edited and added some cover at base 3
Moved MCOM A & B at base 4
Added some cover around MCOMs at base 4
Edited combat area for attackers on base 4
Edited defender spawns on base 4 to be a little bit closer
Moved defender HQ flag at base 4
Disabled the elevators in the hotel for all game modes except conquest and obliteration (same as hotel wings destruction)
Edited terrain craters for moved cover
Removed attacker transport helicopter
Removed attacker ATVs from base 4
Attacker IFV removed from base 2, starts at base 3 instead
Levolution set-piece (warhead) not triggered automatically
Moved 4A and B
Added some cover at base 4
Removed emplaced weapons at base 4
Edited some defender spawns at base 4 including their MBT
Changed combat areas for base 4
Edited crater mask around new cover at base 4
Switched attacker IFV out for an AAV
Removed 1 attacker ATV on base 1, 2
Moved attacker ATV to old IFV position on base 1
Added some more cover around 1A and slightly moved 1A to provide better cover by itself
Changed attacker base 1 combat area to allow for better flanking and clearer lines
Moved one defender spawn that would be exposed with the new combat area at base 1
More cover added to 2A, also making it more difficult for heavy vehicles to navigate the space down there
Moved attacker HQ for base 2,3,4,5
Removed 1 attacker PWC on base 3, 4, 5
Delayed attacker PWC initial spawn by 15 more seconds
Moved 3A and 3B
Added one piece of cover to 4A
Added a defender PWC at base 5
Moved 5A and 5B (5A was just moved to 5Bs old position)
Repurposed and added some cover around base 5
Edited some defender spawns at base 5, including their MBT
Changed attacker base 5 combat area to disallow water traffic on the back of the base
Removed one ATV from attackers
Removed light jeep for attackers
Removed defender vehicles
Moved remaining attacker vehicles at base 1
Moved 1B slightly
Moved 2A and 2B
Edited and added cover to base 2
Removed emplaced weapons at base 2 (+ some tires tied to one of the ATs)
Slightly enlarged combat areas at base 2
Moved defender base 2 & 3 HQ flag
Moved 3A and 3B
Added cover at base 3
Edited terrain crater depth around added cover
| http://cte.battlelog.com/bf4/news/vi...eplay-patch-7/ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Let's rock the Battlefield  Stolzes Mitglied der Nightcrew von Battlefield-3.org |
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