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25. March 2014, 13:07
 #69 (permalink)
Dirtfighter ist offline  
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March 25 PS4 Game Update Notes

-General stability improvements


-Increased the splash damage and the range at which the JDAM bombs can achieve max splash damage. The JDAM's power was not properly balanced with its difficulty to use. The JDAM remains a primarily anti-vehicle weapon, though this change will increase the effectiveness against all targets.
-Increased the accuracy and direct hit damage of the AC130 40mm cannons. 40mm cannons can now be used to fire pinpoint shots in 2-3 round bursts, enabling them to provide accurate fire on infantry and vehicle targets. Their velocity has also been marginally increased to aid their accuracy.
-Increased the splash damage and range of the AC130 25mm cannons. These cannons now do approximately 50% more damage, in a slightly increased area of impact. The increased damage as well as increased suppression effects will allow the 25mm cannon to fill its role as an area of effect weapon against infantry.

Ich hoffe unter dem Punkt "General stability Improvements" sind die Laggs und das Rubberbanding gemeint...

Warum zu Henker braucht die AC130 mehr Schaden?!?!? Das Ding ist ÜBERFLÜSSIG. Jetzt werden noch mehr Bobs in dem Ding sitzen und geiern sich einen weil sie mehr Schaden machen. More Random Deaths from Above incoming...

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Bin in zwei Wochen eh in Stockholm! Auf gehts
Mal abwarten was das mit den Laggs und Rubberbanding gibt...